I have written a feature length script, I have confidence in it and so do the select people I have shown it to. My problem is getting it made without compromising my vision for the film. My friend studied television production at school and has made a few small pieces, for school not for experience. I, naturally, came to him first as we have spoken about making films in the past and I have no prior film experience past writing scripts. To cut a long story short, I showed him the script, he seemed to like it; he then went on to draw a storyboard for the first scene or so and he also showed me some of the stuff he has directed/made before. I didn't want to insult him but I was less than impressed with his past work and his storyboards (they were very hastily made). Not only that but he seemed to be very sensitive when talking things over and didn't show any of the traits I imagine a director would need when dealing with people, especially considering all we have is the script which I wrote without his input. He seemed to want to tell me what was wrong with my script and what it was missing, although he has never written a script before or directed an actual film outside of school -- when I asked him to elaborate he was very passive aggressive and I couldn't get him to make a constructive point/criticism. From what I gathered his criticisms were very specific (regarding not mentioning background noises etc) and almost as though he was making them just to make the point that he "knows more than me". He kept suggesting changing the setting, changing at what stages characters are introduced and even specifics like names of characters and their appearance. He then suggested he help me re-write it and without seeming arrogant, he has very little understanding of writing imo. I imagine it is going to be very hard to work with him and not only that but keep at least some of my vision within the final outcome, if it even manages to get it made.
It seems that I will have to make the awkward decision to cut my friend out of the project (unless he changes his passive ways), because my mere input seems to send the wrong signals to him as though I am trying to undermine him. Like I said, I have no directing or film making experience, but I believe in my writing skills, this particular screenplay and my vision for the final outcome. My problem is I have zero technical skills or knowledge. How can I either, get this made without compromising my vision or (preferably) make this myself? What advice can anyone give me regarding my situation.
It seems that I will have to make the awkward decision to cut my friend out of the project (unless he changes his passive ways), because my mere input seems to send the wrong signals to him as though I am trying to undermine him. Like I said, I have no directing or film making experience, but I believe in my writing skills, this particular screenplay and my vision for the final outcome. My problem is I have zero technical skills or knowledge. How can I either, get this made without compromising my vision or (preferably) make this myself? What advice can anyone give me regarding my situation.