Cleaning and splicing

I have a collection of 50 to 60 year old Kodak 8mm films which appear to be in good condition - no mold or dirt or dust on the outside. I also have a Mansfield Model 950 8mm editor/splicer. Editor also appears to be in good shape. My question is this

Before I start to view and splice to edit these reels, what do I need to do to the film and/or the editor. Are there parts to be lubed or vacuumed or cleaned?

Do I need to clean the film with some sort of solution? Wipe with a clean cloth?

Any help appreciated.
You do not need to do anything to your editor other than to make sure that the light bulb works in the editor, and that you have either film cement (to make the splices), or film "tapes" if you are making tape splices. The Mansfield editor will accommodate 400ft reels. The standard Kodachrome reel is 50ft, so you can get eight rolls on on one 400ft reel. (A 400ft reel runs about a half hour). You will need at least TWO 400ft to build on, and one to rewind.
My suggestion is that you put all of your 8mm film onto 400ft reels, transfer them to digital video, and then actually EDIT on NOT edit on 8mm, other than to remove the head and tail (white) leaders. A film edit (physically cutting the film) is permanent...a digital video edit can be done and redone without damaging the original 8mm film.
Whoever transfers your 8mm film from film to digital will clean the film for you (with cleaning pads and alcohol), so don't worry about that.
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Before I start to view and splice to edit these reels, what do I need to do to the film and/or the editor. Are there parts to be lubed or vacuumed or cleaned?

Do I need to clean the film with some sort of solution? Wipe with a clean cloth?
Can't hurt to make sure the machine is clean. Anything that will
touch the film.

There are several film cleaner/lubricants available. Check B&H
and Amazon. They both offer a good emulsion cleaner. Buy a
package of anti-static cloths rather then a standard household

I've always used Photospeed film cleaner. Not sure if they
even make it anymore.

Is Bromfield Camera still in Boston?