Casuistry: The Art of Killing a Cat

When I was in college, a student made a film titled: 'How to clean a Fish'. If it had been about gutting a catch, I would have called that a documentary. He placed a live fish on newspaper and sprayed it with industrial cleanser, the conclusion of the piece was to watch the fish flop and gasp till it died-I would call that a crime. Given the title of this work, 'Casuistry: The Killing of A Cat' (I HAVE NOT SEEN THE WORK) I'm assuming the filmmaker is trying to draw some parallels to other ways in which we kill animals for our needs which are acceptable (like hooking a fish instead of spraying it), or our selection as to which animals are pets (and 'deserve ' exemption), which are food, and which are sport. An effort to diminish the brutality of this one act so it doesn't look so monstrous in comparison. I understand the weaving through semantics which make some animals deaths 'acceptable'. What I don't understand is the cat was killed simply to watch it suffer and die, how can THAT be justified through any wordplay or any amount of convoluted 'reasoning'?
Once again, you are right. I didn't realize casuistry was the 'subtle reasoning INTENDED to rationalize or mislead'. I believed it was using comparable arguments to minimize the horrible facts of the subject , thereby making the tragic deed easier to swallow.

Am I being punished for my opinions on another string? Why can't you just let me wallow in my own ignorance-I wasn't THAT far off with the def of 'Casuistry'. I just recently came back to Indietalk and the two strings I've posted to, nothing but animosity. I made my apologies, but I guess I'd better dot all my i's because I'll be called on everything.

You guys are worried about running off newbies?????????? I'm going back to Indieclub where at least the gloves are on from the get-go and the sarcasm not cloaked in 'advice'.

Oh and by the way, Zen, I noticed you didn't call Poke on the 'fellatio on a Cow' thaannng. (sorry Poke)
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I was sure you were making a joke - so I countered with a joke...

I was disappointed that you have chosen NOT to get into fights any more. I guess countering irony with irony is difficult on a messageboard.
I was sure you were making a joke - so I countered with a joke...

I was disappointed that you have chosen NOT to get into fights any more. I guess countering irony with irony is difficult on a messageboard.

I guess we should ask indietalk to find us a new "irony" smilie
Am I being punished for my opinions on another string?

No. I have no idea why you would even think that.

Why can't you just let me wallow in my own ignorance


the two strings I've posted to, nothing but animosity. I made my apologies, but I guess I'd better dot all my i's because I'll be called on everything.

There is no animosity. None at all.

There is nothing hostile in a reply that corrects a misunderstanding, or a misrepresentation, or a clarification. If I ever make a statement that is incorrect (which I frequently do), I would expect someone to challenge my notions or statements.

You guys are worried about running off newbies?????????? I'm going back to Indieclub where at least the gloves are on from the get-go and the sarcasm not cloaked in 'advice'.

Well, have fun I suppose. None of that makes much sense; especially the bit about sarcasm being cloaked in advice. Peoples' opinions vary, their experiences vary, their use of the English language varies... and the way they communicate in a text-driven medium (such as messageboards) will vary. It can be easy to miss implied intent, that sounds obvious when vocalised but nothing but a "smiley" (at best) can even start to simulate.

(Btw... it's "the gloves are off from..". Gloves soften the blow, etc.) Well, maybe I shouldn't mention it...

Oh and by the way, Zen, I noticed you didn't call Poke on the 'fellatio on a Cow' thaannng.

Why should I?

It had nothing to do with the cat-flick, he was trying to lighten the mood (in a gross kinda way), and I have absolutely no intention on trying to research the answer to his question.

I'm pretty sure that I will not be very happy with the matches I'll get, typing "animal sex" into Google. Feel free to take the initiative, though. :lol:


Well... best of luck, Bird.


"All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions." - Leonardo da Vinci

P.S. Here is what I look like, as I type this reply.

P.P.S. Here is a pre-filled Google search for more information about Casuistry flick.
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I just have to come back here and see how you responded, cause face it, you ARE interesting. I did mean 'gloves on' because I like a good debate as much as the next person (you said you didn't mind being told you were mistaken). 'Sarcasm cloaked in advice' - to me it seems your intentions were to show how clever you are rather then educate me.(please note the BTW, gloves reference in your post). As for 'fellatio on a cow', last time I heard you needed to be a bull-I don't believe you need to research that. Perhaps along with the 'irony' smiley, an 'I'm not trying to condescend, but...'. smiley might be handy. I like being enlightened, but just like the next person, I don't take a shine to being embarrassed.
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I heard on reviews of the toronto film fest that they had police in the cinema at the film screening and heaps and heaps of protesters turned up and caused a big fuss. I guess everyone got all fired up and thought it was the actual video of the cat being killed, not a doco about the (sicko) guys who did it. Although giving them the glory of a film made about their exploits ... dunno if I agree with that but having not seen the film I can't really comment can I ?