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call for shorts from Connecticut filmmakers


We're planning a pretty large free screening of my feature YOU ARE ALONE in New Haven (where it was shot) in September when the Yalies and other college students return, and I'd like to screen 2 or 3 great shorts, preferrably from Connecticut-based filmmakers.

I'm looking for CT premieres...so we get people in the seats. I'd like to know you'll plaster the town with flyers and bus down everyone you know. No limit on free tickets.

(We will get a lot of local media coverage.)

You short must:

Be no longer than 10 minutes. (Short-shorts are welcome)

Must have been completed between July 1, 2004 and now.

Near complete works-in-progress are ok.

I'll need a DigiBeta copy if your film is chosen.

If interested, please send a DVD screener, along with any press materials, all of your contact info, bribes, etc., to:

What Were We Thinking Films
YOU ARE ALONE screening
PO Box 6260
Hamden CT 06517

I promise to let you know either way. (Yes, you'll get a rejection or acceptance email.) Screeners will not be returned.

Please take a look at my trailer for YOU ARE ALONE:
http://www.whatwerewethinkingfilms.com/ ... ndows.html

It'll give you an idea of tone. (This will not be a "family friendly" screening.) Nothing is too dark.

So...get those DVDs in the mail.

Email any questions to: YouAreAloneMOVIE@aol.com


Gorman Bechard

Does having been on a camping trip once in Conneticut make me a CT filmmaker?

Hope the screening of your film goes over well! :cool: