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Call for a 10 pager

Hey all,
I'm deep into my own writing, but the thing in my head wont be done in time for the spring shooting season. Anyone have something that is compatible with my tastes about 10 pages that they want to see made by yours truly?
Can I get an Ahmen!

I know I'm a little late to the party, but I've got a 19-pager that was written with a super-low budget in mind. I dashed it out in one night for a college student here but I never heard back from him. Anyone may try to make this script into a film, no strings attached (so long as I get a credit in the credits).



lots of activity on "The Hot Rod"
Shooting June 1, 3rd and 4th in Birkenfeld Oregon
We have a band too! "The Lonesome Billies"


Poor nick, this is nothing like the Winters Bone'esque script he wrote. Sorry, had I seen winters bone BEFORE I would have picked up on it, instead, I turned his serious character piece into a light frolic..

Oh well.. It my movie and I can do what I want! woho go me!

EDIT: Poster is just a gag, I wanted a composite shot of all the cast on the facebook page, so I made this from the headshots! Probably gonna make somebody mad...
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