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watch BTL

It was an epilogue to a bigger short that is on hold for now. in the other story the main girl is given the task of deleting names from a list by a mysterious businessman and this picks up once her task is completed. she receives a letter and final task.


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I enjoyed it. A bit matrix-y at the end, though. The whole thing was Dr. Who-ish. Tom Baker's Dr. Who that is.
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Interesting, I'm just off out, but i'll certainly return and watch.

Note: I did however believe i was entering a thread concerning Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato. BLT.
Interesting, I'm just off out, but i'll certainly return and watch.

Note: I did however believe i was entering a thread concerning Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato. BLT.

Phuk all, now I'm hungry. Also, what is "off out". My understanding is, you can be one but not the other. If you're both, you must be terribly busy. :)