archived-videos Breakdancing, Snow, and Milk? Check out my music video!

Hey everyone, my name is Jeff Finley. I am 22 years old and I have been making videos and films and stuff since about 2001 or so. This is my latest creation. It's a music video for Box O Mylk - "Amorous Thorns." Box O Mylk is actually my music. I make music on my computer and this is a video I did for it. It also features a CG breakdancing character that I modeled, animated, and composited in.

Title: Box O Mylk - Amorous Thorns
Genre: Music Video
Time: 5 min
Size: 15mb
Format: Quicktime
Synopsis: Shot in freezing cold weather. Combines lots of breakdancing and milk. A closet BOXOMYLK fan is pursued by crazy goons with Milk Jug Masks (mylkheads) with hopes of converting him into a mylkhead.

Here it is, hope you like it:

Comments, crits, and questions are always welcome! Enjoy! :)
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All I can say is... ummm....

Clearly a Blue Man Group influence to it.

Heading out right now; will have more to add when I get back.
I actually am hardly familiar with Blue Man Group, but I can see what you mean. The whole techno, trash can drumming, and costume/make up thing. Interesting though however. Hehe.
umm, why weren't you out snowboarding? I saw snow... Makes no sense to me!

But good video nonetheless, should have had the mylkheads do some Parkour style stunts. Parkour is so it sometime, actually google david belle, watch his videos. Crazy...

Still pretty good, i liked the music too.
not trying to be negitive but.Coming from the hip hop community breakdancers hate to be called that ,it is one of the biggest insults anyone can make,they are acctaully called b-boys or b-girls or breakers and its not break dancing its breakin.just to let u know,i havnt seen yer vid yet but i hope to in a few days

hope i could have helped u.
not trying to be negitive but.Coming from the hip hop community breakdancers hate to be called that ,it is one of the biggest insults anyone can make,they are acctaully called b-boys or b-girls or breakers and its not break dancing its breakin

Hey I know exactly what you mean. I've been into breakin for about a year and a half or so. I referred to him as a breakdancer simply beacuse the general public will know what it is when they see it. I am familiar with the whole bboy-breakdancer debate. It's been going on forever. But I know where you are coming from.

But believe me, I have some illustrations of the bboy character and he's always been called a bboy. He's not some flashy breakdancer, like at the basketball halftime show. He knows his roots :-)

Glad to meet a fellow bboy ;)
christdrinkspee said:
not trying to be negitive but.Coming from the hip hop community breakdancers hate to be called that ,it is one of the biggest insults anyone can make,they are acctaully called b-boys or b-girls or breakers and its not break dancing its breakin.just to let u know,i havnt seen yer vid yet but i hope to in a few days

hope i could have helped u.

As an avid hip hop head and someone who is around that stuff all the time (when I'm in Texas), I've never seen any b boy get offended by the term "break dancer"'s what I say. I love the shit....then again, maybe people don't like the word and just don't say anything to me...or maybe it's just in certain areas that "Break dancing" is bad to say...I don't know, but I know break dancers so...whateva...

Nice be completely honest I got a tiny bit bored, but that's just one man's reaction. I tend to like tighter, shorter, and to the point pieces....unlike most indie enthusiasts, hehe.
Nice be completely honest I got a tiny bit bored, but that's just one man's reaction. I tend to like tighter, shorter, and to the point pieces....unlike most indie enthusiasts, hehe.

Good point. The song is 5 min long so I can see how it could drag on. And yeah, the whole bboy/breakdancer debate. I know some people get upset about, but it's never bothered me. But then again, I don't really take it that seriously myself. I just enjoy it every once it awhile.
I HATE the name B-Boy, sounds gay. Breaker/Breakdancer/anythingbutBboy is better.

Mylk, where are you at in Ohio? I'm down near cincinnati.
Im in Salem area near Youngstown. But I travel around the Kent and Parma (Cleveland) areas alot. Yeah one day I was browsing a forum in class a while ago when i was in college and my teacher saw the url - - and he's like "Bee Boy Dot Org - Oooookay I don't wanna know..." So yeah he prolly thought it was something gay or whatever haha.

Or if anyone's seen the movie "Breakin!" you could call them "Street Dancers." Lmao.

Bboy was the original term from the late 70's. Not sure who thought of it up, but it might have been DJ Kool Herc. Breakin came from the breaks on the record. Herc would have block parties and play music. Everyone would love it when he played the breakdown of the record (esp those in funk, etc) and he extended the break with two turntables so people could keep dancing. They liked it so much they basically went off, went crazy, or "broke." Hence, "breakin."

It wasnt until the media got ahold of the whole scene and put the term "breakdancer" on it.
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Of course this all brings up an interesting point about the influence of BeeBop on BBoys and the how an alien named ET learned to say "Be Good." then ten years later BET went on air ...

Heavy ...

Mylk, I liked the video. It reminds me of something you'd have seen from Spike Jonze in his early career. Unfortunately, because of his success anything that seems like something from his early career comes off as a rip off. It's unfair, but it's true. It's the same for the Blue Man group homage.

Also, I thought the video had too many story lines. Honestly, I would have rather seen the entire video be about the "dance off" (sorry if this term offends any of you B-smacks) between the CG character and the UnCG character or about the chasing of the Closet Mylk Head by the Flaming Mylk Heads or about the cute girl from the elevator.

But, all the critiques aside, it is a nice piece of work.

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I thought it was pretty good. I agree with Logan that it felt long in parts, but I think you did a good job keeping it interesting. The jug masks were cool.

I liked the CGI guy. He looked pretty good. That part of your video reminded me of this video that came on the DVD in this month's copy of Res. Check it out.
Also, I thought the video had too many story lines. Honestly, I would have rather seen the entire video be about the "dance off" (sorry if this term offends any of you B-smacks) between the CG character and the UnCG character or about the chasing of the Closet Mylk Head by the Flaming Mylk Heads or about the cute girl from the elevator.

Interesting point. Nobody has ever said that about this video before. So maybe it would have been better had it been shorter and about less?

It reminds me of something you'd have seen from Spike Jonze in his early career. Unfortunately, because of his success anything that seems like something from his early career comes off as a rip off. It's unfair, but it's true. It's the same for the Blue Man group homage.

I really like Spike's work, but wouldn't any music video nowaday's be ripping off someone else's style? I mean, there is the performance and then you got the B-rolll. That's a simple formula. And lots of directors don't even do THAT much. Like someone will cut together some concert footage and call it a video. But that's been done a gazillion times.

Spike was famous for his originality. His simpleness and his fun that was happening in his videos. He didn't use crazy camera tricks or expensive cg effects. The videos were fun. And that was refreshing.

But hey, it's still nice to be mentioned in the same sentence as Spike Jonze. He's one of my favorite directors.
mylkhead said:
So maybe it would have been better had it been shorter and about less?

Not about less, just focused on one particular storyline.

mylkhead said:
I really like Spike's work, but wouldn't any music video nowaday's be ripping off someone else's style? I mean, there is the performance and then you got the B-rolll. That's a simple formula. And lots of directors don't even do THAT much. Like someone will cut together some concert footage and call it a video. But that's been done a gazillion times.

Yeah, videos (at least the ones that get the most air time) have little to no originality to them. I wasn't dissing you with my comment - I loved the Jonze like aspect of your piece - I was just making an observation.

Yeah it's all good. I wasn't taking it as a diss anyway. I mean I am inspired by his videos so there is probably a good chance that some of that inspiration showed up on screen. And hey, it's better to be inspired by one of the more original ones than by those silly hollywood directors who direct every MTV video out thre like they are working in the Drive Thru at Mickey Dees or something.

--Brandy pulls up in her Escalade - "I'd like a new music video......uh minus creativity but extra dancers and some bad cg. To go." - Alright, coming right up that'll be 50 grand at the first window..."
Yeah, that was the general consensus when I showed it to people. They were always entertained for 5 minutes. When I played it for my teacher and class at college they thought it was the most entertaining one out of the the bunch. Well, that's exactly what a music video should do right? :)
Howdy, I like it. One, it's snowing and your still out b-boying,breakin,and breakdancing (Outside). Two cheap costumes, I love the milk faces (Gotta keep it cheap and Indie!) As a bonus it had a CG character that was modeled, animated, composited into the scene. Thats a ton of work just in that! Good Job! Keep up the good work! :yes:
