archived-videos Breakdancing, Snow, and Milk? Check out my music video!

Hey everyone, my name is Jeff Finley. I am 22 years old and I have been making videos and films and stuff since about 2001 or so. This is my latest creation. It's a music video for Box O Mylk - "Amorous Thorns." Box O Mylk is actually my music. I make music on my computer and this is a video I did for it. It also features a CG breakdancing character that I modeled, animated, and composited in.

Title: Box O Mylk - Amorous Thorns
Genre: Music Video
Time: 5 min
Size: 15mb
Format: Quicktime
Synopsis: Shot in freezing cold weather. Combines lots of breakdancing and milk. A closet BOXOMYLK fan is pursued by crazy goons with Milk Jug Masks (mylkheads) with hopes of converting him into a mylkhead.

Here it is, hope you like it:

Comments, crits, and questions are always welcome! Enjoy! :)
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Howdy, I like it. One, it's snowing and your still out b-boying,breakin,and breakdancing (Outside). Two cheap costumes, I love the milk faces (Gotta keep it cheap and Indie!) As a bonus it had a CG character that was modeled, animated, composited into the scene. Thats a ton of work just in that! Good Job! Keep up the good work!

Yeah, it was a lot of work. The animating the character was the hardest part. I shot and edited the live action stuff in a weekend. I was planning on doing camera tracking with a handheld camera, but only one angle came out. And I was also planning on having me and the cg bboy in the same shot, but the camera tracking got all confused when I was moving around in the scene and the camera was handheld. Oh well. It turned out the way it did.

And the ending with the girl. That was totally unplanned. My orginal ending that I scripted was supposed to be when Bill (the guy getting chased) was finally caught and cornered by the mylkheads, they would dump an entire gallon of milk on his bald head and he would now be "baptised" into mylkheadism or something like that. But on our way up to the location, we forgot the milk cause we were in such a hurry. We used Bill's girlfriend in the shot cause she was really just standing around doing nothing waiting for us. You all know how that is! Haha. And it was a moment they can relive for a long time. And it drew some "Awwwwes" from people I showed it too haha.

Oh yea! By the way, the final scene where she kisses Bill - well during that shot there was a super loud alarm going off because a friend of mine backed into the emergency buzzer alarm and it set it off. They were all freaked out but I HAD to get that final kiss in!!!!! Haha.
If you wanna check out the video take a look at the first post in the topic. But if you are too lazy for that :) here is the link: - click on film to see the video.

Hope you enjoy yourself while you watch. That is all I ask!