archived-videos Blambo: Part II - A Lego Animation

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Very funny stuff.

All that is bad...Communism, and Communism."

And when he sky dives and just starts shooting everything in the sky...
That was hilarious!

I saw a couple of spots I felt you could have used to add another parody -
When he lands on the bomb, that's a prime spot for a Dr. Strangelove reference...and when he attacks the two guards, I exected to hear - "Do you know what's going on?" "Maybe it's another drill."

But that's just something I noticed. Really funny little animation.

Motherland!! :P

Great Lego-adventure.

Explosions from DetonationFilms... recognised them before the credits started rolling. :cool:

I didn't much care for the voice of the narrator. He did a fine job as the voice of Blambo, but sounded very forced trying to keep that low pitch for the narrator.

You should get this onto Ifilm. They have a special Lego section, and I bet this would do very well. Overall it's a terrifically funny (and well executed) short.

Might want to do something about your compression, mind you. It's a 5 min short that is over 100mb in size. :eek:

For comfortable viewing (for a web-based audience) you should be able to get 3 - 5 mb per minute, for the whole download. 25mb max, for this. Convenient for the viewers... and your bandwidth will thank you, too.

Extremely well done. :)
Thanks Zensteve, I'll check out putting the movie on Ifilm. I've tried a million times to get the compression at a low file size and a 720x480 resolution, but it never comes out as a good image quailty, and I am using Vegas 5.0.

Zensteve said:
I didn't much care for the voice of the narrator. He did a fine job as the voice of Blambo, but sounded very forced trying to keep that low pitch for the narrator.

Yeah, those voices were me. I will keep that criticism in mind for future reference. Thanks.
I've tried a million times to get the compression at a low file size and a 720x480 resolution, but it never comes out as a good image quailty

You need to keep your target audience in mind, though.

Halve your dimensions to 360x240, and use Sorenson3 or mp4 for a video CoDec. (Forgetting a good audio CoDec atm). Also, make a quarter-size version. Make good use of keyframing, and data-rates. You can end up with high-quality videos to share/distribute on the 'net.

Will they be as ultra-high quality as a 720x480 full resolution video? No.

...but you'll be enabling more people to see what you have.

By halving the dimension size of your original video, you can reduce the filesize to a quarter of what it is now. That makes it available to so many more people... and quadruples the amount of downloads available from your server, and is friendlier to anyone surfing the 'net looking for a fun new video to watch. (Lots of people still use 56k... and a 100mb download is well out of reach)

I loved it. Couple of crits -
why are the maps of the two uber-nations both the same color (or colour if you will)? I was thinking Good = Blue / Commies = Red.
On a lighter note,
while falling through the air Blambo takes out some badies on the way down, I like it but it seemed flat, all the baddies enter and exit in the same flat surface. Imagine Blambo on a blue/green bendible stick in the middle, baddies on the same kind of sticks entering from all 3D directions (x, y and z).

Some wonderful moves that Blambo has. Never done a stop-motion lego movie so I'm not sure how limited you are in what he can do but I'm very much looking forward to seeing more. Nice Job Ian!
Boz Uriel said:
I loved it. Couple of crits -
why are the maps of the two uber-nations both the same color (or colour if you will)? I was thinking Good = Blue / Commies = Red.

It was a mistake keeping them the same color, but I had already gotten pretty much through it before thinking about it, and I didn't want to restart all of that work over again, but I will keep it in mind for future Blambo movies.

- Ian
King Goldfish said:
funny flick. Was Mothaland taken from the flash where cali, hawaii and alska all hang the end?

It might have been subliminally, but it was not the initial reason why we used it.
Its ok.. It was still funny. They didnt coin the term. They got it from some other film.

BTW, Can you go deeper into how the film was made. Are these real legos, are they CGI legos? Did you make a green screen in the back and composite the sky or did you use a spinwheel, Rotoscope or?
Yes, everything was real legos except for the backgrounds which were put in by green screen. The moving sky was made in Flash and saved as a animated gif which we then layered over the green screen.

The whole process of making Blambo took about two months. I did all the animating which we required several long hours and roughly 1,548 frames. All of the acrobatic sequences were done by double shooting each frame. The first picture would be the shot without Blambo and then the second picture would have Blambo propped up by other legos and sticky tac. After the sequence was complete I uploaded the pictures into photoshop and layered them on top of each other then erased what was propping up Blambo. The rest was all your basic stop-motion filming just slowly moving each lego piece and taking pictures.

The editing was done by Logan (user RamenFueledYouth) he just put all the sequences I filmed together and added in the effects. The explosions and such were taken from and they too were green screened in.

The voices for the most part were all done by Logan, I did Suk-So Mooch and our friend Stefan did Judy Knockertocker.

That's all the info I could think of to share if you have any other questions feel free to ask them.


I like the fight animations a lot with the jumps and explosions; the first shoot scene is just brilliant. The map animation is also impressive. Some of the shots are a bit dull but this is still one good-looking film!

Well, the basic, flat characters and spoken words are not all that interesting but I understand this is a parody kind of film. The jokes could be funnier and the villains more villainous though.