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watch BLACK ION - full movie

First off... I'd say this is more of a reinterpretation of Black Swan than a parody.

Secondly, pay more attention to your lighting! ;)

Overall, I think it's a fantastic effort. You've pulled together a very ambitious project and delivered on the majority of it. (I still had a lol when "End of Line" from Tron 2 was the soundtrack for the nightclub scene, though)

I was disappointed to see the editor receive no credits, at the end. I thought the editor did a remarkable job.

You are the director, right? Still in high-school, from what I understand? You are going to do well. :cool:
Thank you so much, ZenSteve. That means a lot.

Actually, I was the director, cinematographer, and the editor. I didn't give myself enough credit. Shucks! But it is okay.

Thanks for the input and the compliment!