Biggest. Face-palm. Ever.

Oh, Shitzky-Bitzky! I edited my first feature (84 minutes) without a video card! Quite frankly, I'm impressed that my computer and Premiere were able to handle DSLR footage, with nothing more than on-board graphics.

So, I'm about to get into color correction/grading. I install Magic Bullet (the Premiere version). I open Premiere, and every time I try to use Magic Bullet, it freezes up, and shuts down. Yikes. I'm a little scared, at this point.

I uninstall, and try installing the stand-alone version, just to see what happens. It tells me my video card is incompatible. I look in device manager, and it says that I have no video card. What?! I definitely purchased a video card. So, I call the company I had build this computer ( -- they're really good, I definitely recommend them to anybody). I had them build this computer, but I installed Windows myself. They tell me that I have the GeForce GT220 video card installed, and that it appears I never installed the driver.

Doh! :lol::lol::lol:

So, I install video card, re-install Magic Bullet, and viola! Everything is in working order. :D
Lol! Well u got it working in the end so its good.

I have all my drivers in an external HD. And theyre the first things i install whenever i reinstall windows.

And yeah, checking for updates now and then is a good idea.
Drivers are one of the reasons I've avoided windows for so many years... just hate them - PITA! Happy you got yours working. The time invested fixing it now will pay off in the future for you :) ... back up your registry and your system now!
Are you implying the software CF is using is Piratey? If so, what is your basis for this accusation of criminal behavior? If it's the obvious price thingy, I've invested thousands of dollars into my software, does that mean I probably stole it as well?

If we intend to be professionals at this craft, we buy our tools so that our product's legalities can't bite us in the ass later and take away our ability to make a living off of them. I've spent a couple thousand dollars over the years building up my software/hardware arsenal. Public accusations of criminal activity may negatively reflect upon our friends here and have an impact on their professional careers in the future as more and more employers check online for character reference of potential employees.

Careful how we accuse folks, even jokingly/mockingly as that intent may not be seen - and friendships/affiliations may only be evident to outsiders if they take the time to read through every post ever made in order by their prey + the responses to them from all the other members of the forum.
WOW ! gooberman, you hit a nerve !

I do not pay a penny for my software myself and can download EVERYTHING I need for free guilt free, as in Free Open Source Software.. Ubuntu. I won't go into use of torrents, but what the heck.

Be careful !
Not so much a nerve as making sure that the full ramifications of what may just be an offhand comment can be. I use my posting on these boards as proof that I've been spending time thinking about filmmaking every waking moment of the past 7 years... it's served me well - and I encourage potential employers in this field to look at my work here.

A mistaken sarcastic post can be devastating to a member's potential future employment opportunities. As previously stated, I've invested alot - I expect a return on that investment at some point. The potential for a lost gig that could lead to bigger and better gigs keeps me up at night :)
Lol. Knightly, I appreciate you stepping in to point out that we should be careful how we joke. Your point is well-taken, and it's a good point. For the record, I knew goobs was messin around, and I thought his joke was funny. After all, I never had a software issue, but a dumb-ass hardware installation issue, in which I just plain never installed the driver.
@goob: that's what I figured, I just wanted to make sure that the possible future readers are aware of it as well... tons of people come here for the first time and read a thread and determine whether or not they want to join the community... I know that's how I started out here... I don't want you to stop being sarcastic, just make sure it's clear in the posts (I'm a strong advocate for the sarc mark)!