(Best Idea) or (Cheapest Idea)


Staff Member
I've been struggling with this question for a while now.
It's paralyzed me. Which story do I throw my entire being into?

I have an amazing idea that everyone loves in under 10 seconds.
But I haven't told it to many, and it would be expensive to pull off.
$100 million perhaps.

The other idea is a sci-fi crime thriller. Throw in some cool futurist technology that draws people into your world and you've got yourself a movie trailer.
$100 thousand

So which one do I create?
What is the wisest choice for me?

I'm a slow writer so it's important to make the right decision.
I'm like... George RR Martin slow at writing.

The answer came to me finally. Sharp about everything but myself...
Of course the answer is the write the amazing idea!!!

Why did I even consider settling? It's the safe bet, maybe I could get money for it.
Screw that. Maybe someone could tell me no.

Who has the right to tell me no?
The answer is to write the amazing idea.

I'll put it into a book... become a best seller.
When I have an audience already in place and money comes knocking, they will answer to me.

I'll write the screen play in tandem. Sounds fun!
This is the idea I'm really excited about. This is going to be the best and most unique story.
Asked and answered. :D

Good luck.


If no one gives it a chance or tries to read it.. at least I still wrote a book.
That's kind of cool.

It seems like more of an accomplishment than writing a screen play.
A screen play is only a half measure but a book is something everyday consumers pay for... it's complete.

I suppose 'bonafide' might be the word.

Edit: Reading this.. of course people pay for screenplays too!! damn that sounded dumb.
I mean like I could take it to a party and tell people about it and then try to sell it to them.

I couldn't do that with a screen play. someone help me out here lol.
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Writing within your means is for self-funding or working within a small budget, but don't keep awesome ideas to yourself, put them out in other ways, a novel is a great idea. Screenplay even.

Someone that builds cars, if he has an idea that will cost $5 million for the prototype, he can work on the Mustang in his garage, or find a way to get his idea out there without spending $5 mil.

I like the book idea.
A screenplay that doesn't get sold or turned into a movie is sad.
That's what it is!!

It's impressive and awesome if it sells and gets made, but that's a lot more difficult than writing a book. Writing a book you don't have to work with any other people.
Sounds like a plan.

Totally get what you mean. A book is a book and for the masses. A screenplay is solely for making a film and for the industry. You can write a best seller and then do your thing. All while being a best-selling author. I dig.
You asked a question, and answered your question, in your question. Hm, impressive. This kid's got talent.

Hey now I'm 33 and my body is falling apart. I don't think I count as a kid anymore

I dig Sci-Fi so that is my automatic, especially not knowing anything else about the other.

Cool. I actually think it's 100% sci-fi but some would argue there are some fantasy elements in there.
Of course.. advanced enough technology is indistinguishable from magic, so they say.