Related an interesting (to me) story that happened to me recently. In the course of my last filmscore, I did a couple electro-industrial songs. As that I had interest in turning that into a new project, I wanted to get some feedback. I've been away from the "scene" as it were, long enough that I don't really know anyone around town (and I'm pretty asocial anyway), so I thought I would find some various goth/industrial music forums, do the "drive by posting" thing and see if anyone had any suggestions/ideas/dislikes/etc. I figured I wouldn't get much, if any response, but if one person took the time to listen to them and had one suggestion for me, mission accomplished, right?
Most of the posts got deleted in every general goth/industrial culture forum I could find, with a message along the lines of "you can participate in our forums, but don't sell your wares here". Nevermind that I was looking from feedback from people with similar tastes, not selling anything. While it is their forum, and they're welcome to run it any way they want to, that didn't exactly inspire me to want to come back and participate in discussions.
The fact of the matter is I don't have time to hang out in a thousand forums, building a rep, just so I can get some feedback on my music. I wish I did have the time. And when I *do* have time, I'm more likely to come back to a forum that is, at least, tolerant of me

Personally, I love the fact that people posting have something to show. And if I don't have time/interest/anything to say about it, I don't have to read it.
It also helps that IndieTalk sits on the happy side of the firewall here at work