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My original thread about SIDEKICK was getting a bit long so I thought I'd start a brand new thread with this announcement...

Hot off the heels of our super successful SOLD OUT Fundraiser Preview Screening, I'm proud to announce two (that’s right TWO!) additional preview screenings of our independent, awe-inspiring, superhero-comedy, SIDEKICK, here in Toronto. I'd love for some IndieTalk folks to be on hand.

Here's the super-exciting details:

Monday September 12th and Tuesday September 13th, 2005
The Royal Theatre, 608 College Street
(4 ½ blocks West of Bathurst, between Clinton & Grace)
7:00 P.M. SHARP (doors open at 6:00 P.M.)

Tickets: $10.00 (payable at the box office the night of the screening only)*

*Sorry, but admittance is restricted to people 18 years of age and older

Q & A:

Do we reserve tickets through the website again?

Nope. That crazy ass line stretching down the block at our last screening made us think that looking up 500 names on a list might not be the best and/or fastest way of doing things. So all you gotta do now is show up and pay at the door.

Hey a real theatre. Does that mean there'll be a concession stand?

It sure does. You can buy drinks and popcorn and everything this time out. Maybe even Jr. Mints...mmmmmm.

Why no one under 18?

Because it's a real theatre and SIDEKICK is thus far unrated. There's some sort of friggin' law.


Read all about the movie and watch the trailer at
My 1st Film Festival Invite!!!

What an awesome feeling. I just got my 1st invitation to participate in a film festival. It's to the 2005 Calgary International Film Festival at the end of September. I know it's not Cannes or anything like that but it's a well run, well attended fest. And hey, at least 2 more theatrical screenings. Nothing wrong with that. The best part is that it's a first sign that we might have made something worth seeing. I've applied to about 15 other fests. Hopefully more invites will follow soon. Keep your fingers crossed.
I'll definetely be at the Monday screening. I missed the last one because it was the day after the 48 Hour Film Challenge and I slept right through it! (as opposed to NOT sleeping all weekened)

We're screening out feature (Macbeth 3000) on the 28th at the Innis Town Hall if you'd like to make an appearance. (and recruit some audience)

We did the same thing for the premiere screening at the Bloor Cinema with the guestlist... I've tried to keep 100 spots open for the sake of cast/crew, but I think in the end it'll just be one big line.

Anyway, I'll be sure to see you on the 12th. :P

Congrats on your festival submission!!

PS- I better not get carded :D (Don't worry- 21. just no ID...)
very nice website and cool poster of the movie.
Daniel Baldwin, ehh? Pretty cool. The Bladwin brothers seem to be making a nice comeback in indie films. read a great review about a short film with Stephen.

congrats on getting your movie out there! ;)
thanks for the kind words everyone. yeah, it's a good time right now. one piece of good news does a lot to heal the wounds from all the bad news...and there's been lots along the way...

and alterEGOcinema, i agree the baldwin bros. are making a comeback of sorts. my director and i were huge fans of danny from his homicide days. we heard he was in toronto shooting a Sci Fi Channel MOW and snooped around. it ended up that a friend of a friend was his personal assistant. he got danny the screenplay and then we met at a starbucks. danny was happy that we were offering a role that was way different that his usual cop/killer roles. and i tell you, he puts in a real honest performance as a nerdy comic book store owner.
More News...

this week SIDEKICK received its 2nd film festival invite! it's to the 2005 Idaho International Film Festival, also at the end of September. i'm actually flying directly from the calgary fest to boise. i know it's not Venice or anything like that but it, too, is a well run, well attended fest. and hey, did i mention that i get at least 2 more theatrical screenings.

so to do the math...

that's 1 sold out preview screening + 2 more preview screenings (coming up in toronto) + 2 screenings in calgary, alberta + 2 in boise, idaho = 7 screenings!

damn exciting stuff.

oh, and did i mention that the fest are flying me out and and giving me accomodation and such. plus, i get festival passes so i can go to tonnes of movie screenings. for over 2 years it's been, and continues to be, a lot of hard work, but finally it's starting to pay off. now if i could just get a distributor.
Just a reminder that Sidekick's Preview Screenings are this Monday and Tuesday at the Royal on College Street at 7 pm. See full info in first post of this thread. Thanks in advance to anyone who can make it (that's you Spatula). We're gearing up for our big Calgary premiere in 2 weeks time. Yikes.
Yup, I'll be there tomorrow. Have you seen anything in TIFF yet? It doesn't look like a strong year, but I squeezed in Corpse Bride and AKA Tommy Chong, both fantastic.
Looking forward to seeing Sidekick tomorrow!
Hey. Just got back from the Sidekick screening to report:

Really awesome flick. Outstanding acting and one of the coolest concepts I've ever seen. Lots of neat shots of Toronto, too. Was the comic shop next to the Paradise?

Daniel Baldwin ROCKS. Best use of a Baldwin ever.

(I was the guy in the blue plaid shorts, white plaid shirt and cheap sunglasses. Didn't get a chance to meet the makers, but it was a pleasure to see the film. )
very nice of you to say. i remember seeing you. sorry we didn't get the chance to chat it up. next time perhaps.

the comic store is actually beside the kingsway theatre way out on bloor west. and danny b does rock, doesn't he?

thanks again. i'm back at it again tomorrow night. we should have two to three times the peeps, but i was actually quite pleased with the turnout tonight.
oh man...

just got back from screening SIDEKICK at the Calgary and Idaho Int'l Film Fests! wow, what an experiece that was - being flown from festival to festival, being put up in fancy hotels, crashing cool parties and, best of all, getting the chance to see my movie projected on big screens in awesome theatres. we had the best attended non-gala screenigs at both fests and both times our Q&A sessions after movie had to be cut off because the ticket holders for the next film was waiting to be let into the theatre. and just like our toronto preview screenings, the audience just completely got it. no matter where my life takes me, i will never forget the rush of the past 2 weeks.

oh, and i just found out that SIDEKICK has been invited to screen at the 2006 San Francisco Independent Film Festival in feb. so cool.
I've got GREAT/ODD news:

first, the Good:

SIDEKICK won the "Overall / Audience Choice Award" at the 2005 Eureka Springs Digital Film Festival! We're getting a trophy and everything.

visit for proof.

so why Odd?

I didn't even know SIDEKICK was in the festival. I applied in Sept through Withoutabox, but since I never heard anything I figured we were rejected. I mean, nobody even contacted me for a proper festival copy or poster or anything. But SIDEKICK was indeed accepted. And it played to what I'm told was a decent sized audience. And that decent sized audience loved it. Supposedly, the kind folks who run the ESDFF thought Withoutabox notified their members of acceptance, but they're just a middle-man application site. It's a big mix up that cost several filmmakers the chance to attend the festival with their films. And I so would have liked to see Arkansas. Crazy, huh? If anybody else on this forum applied to this fest and never heard back, i'd check to find out if your film actually played. It just might have!
I'm happy to hear that... and oddified... well- you got the award, so that counts for something!!

You guys should get in touch with "Colin Geddes" (spelling?) from TIFF- he's the programmer for the midnight madness.

Also, if you want a great party festival, there's Wreck Beach International up in Barrie.

Gotta go- at work!!!
Good luck and congrats!
I recently received two festival letters, both said A Joker's Card got in (and it was screened, one was shown in Austin, TX on Nov 5, they claimed over hundred of short films, they picked 11 of them and one where mine), but I was notified on Nov 15. :)

I think the understaff problem at some festivals might be the reason why some of us didn't get our 'notice' ahead of time...

I have another quite interesting 'encounter' with another well known festival, again 'staff' issue is mostly to blame for it...
wow, that's weird mdifilm. nice to know there's others in the same boat. then again, i guess this is what these forums are all about.

what i think is strange is that i wasn't contacted for a proper screening copy or any promotional material. when i went to calgary and idaho there was so much stuff to prepare in advance. still, i can't really complain. i'm happy people saw the movie and enjoyed it. and i can't wait to see the award itself. i haven't won a real trophy of any kind since grade school. me and my cast & crew are going to take it out on the town for a night - kinda like what hockey players do with the stanley cup (you can tell i'm from canada now). hopefully there'll be a place we can drink liquid out of...

and spatula...thanks for the info on wreck-beach. i'll definitely look into it.