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awesome logos / crappy movie

why do some obsess about a bad ass logo and then run a sh*tty movie? Why can't they just have a normal white in black text "So and so production presents"?


followed by


is NOT cool! >:-(
Zenthora vs the Space Weasel is classic scifi if I ever saw it.
I seen many movies that has this problem..But what purpose does it serve if the movie is bad? Because if that movie is bad I will always equate the logo with that bad movie..
they want people to believe they're sooo good at making movies, they have this badass logo that only a big budget studio could afford (which, if this were the 80's or something, that would be true.)

So they find either an After Effects tutorial or template on how to make something like that (or just type the words into the template) and they hope the uneducated will see that and think "Whoa! We're watchin a movie made by people who know what they're doin!"
Forget the logos...

Concentrate on the story telling. What was good and what you feel wasn't in all aspects of the production, not matter how short. As a film maker -- try not to make the same mistakes again -- one learns best by making, studying and making a new. So make a lot. Also, one can learn as much from watching a 'bad' movie as one can learn from watching a great movie (great is based upon taste, culture and individual interpretation). Hey, some people think Eraserhead is a masterpiece!

There is a lot to learn from the above clip. True, low budget was a factor, so get even more economically creative. Most important, have fun; cause you might never make a dime (most low budget film makers never make a dime profit) on your movies.

My cheap two cents.