Awesome editing contest.

Here is my video. After a long hard battle Batman likes to escape in a Chrysler 300. It is a good disguise for him when he is out in public.

Vote for it here It is rated by the number of bats.
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Hmm I checked the website and apparently there are dozens of people who are in the same boat as me. Many claim to have followed all rules exactly. This leads me to believe that there is a problem with the contest, not the entries.

There's also some people claiming that some videos have not yet been processed or something and that there's a chance they'll show up in a day. Not sure I believe that.

What a bad way to run a contest.

Anyways, just sharing thoughts here.
My guess is some of the later entries may be processed and uploaded later. They may not have had enough time to upload them all. I was amazed at how many they all ready have in the contest. I looked at their youtube channel and there is a ton of entries for this thing there. There is 1174 videos on their youtube channel that should give an idea of how many videos may be contest entries.
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I was able to find mine by searching my name. It was submitted on Thursday.

Cracker: I did notice one black frame between the :17 and :18 second mark. I had to do a lot of re-editing for my spot because clips would end in black abruptly or skip frames the more I tried to move them. It was odd. I think it had to do with the playback not being rendered or something. I don't know if you missed that or it is just a minor error.

rocker: I like the final car shot. Not many people used that.

Here is my entry:

Worked on the music first and then added some sounds to go with the footage. Tried to incorporate the best clips from Crysler and Dark Knight Rises to flow in the time frame of 25 seconds.
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Cracker: I did notice one black frame between the :17 and :18 second mark. I had to do a lot of re-editing for my spot because clips would end in black abruptly or skip frames the more I tried to move them. It was odd. I think it had to do with the playback not being rendered or something. I don't know if you missed that or it is just a minor error.

Actually, that was totally intentional. I was going for dramatic effect. ;)

Ugh! I can't believe I didn't notice that. :bang:

Yep, it was a render issue. I just checked, and there should be an image there (the beginning of the car interior shot). I can't imagine the judges would toss it out for that, but I certainly hope they're not too harsh.
Ah! They should overlook that since it is so minor. It does not ruin the flow of the video.

I just had to point that out incase you did not notice it.
Those are all cool.

I got a question though. Since I was never in the running, I never got a critique on my trailer except for a "looks good to me." I would love to get some real feedback.

What do you guys think of this one? If I was actually in the competition, do you think this trailer would have down well if promoted well?

What parts do you like? What can be changed?

Keep it constructive please.
I think A LOT of people found it difficult to edit the music, and I'm not really surprised by that. The other day, I watched every movie that finished in the top-100 in votes, and you'd be surprised how many of them sounded EXACTLY the same. A great deal of people used the exact same portion of the percussion track, and nothing else.

That's not surprising because most people don't know how to edit music. Editing video and editing music are not the same thing, and they require a very different set of skills. I hesitate to tell you my background, because I really don't want it to sound like I'm bragging. However, it's worth noting that before I switched to my eventual degree in anthropology, I was a music education major for two years. That means that I took two years of music theory, studying and deconstructing the works of Bach, et all. That doesn't make me an expert, by any stretch of the imagination, but it certainly helps when editing music, and most people don't have that.

And that is why most people chose to use the exact same portion of the percussion track -- it was the only kind of musical editing they were capable of.

Anyway, the point I make is that you kinda bit off more than you could chew, in the way you edited the music. From a musical perspective, it doesn't make sense. It doesn't congeal. And that is problematic because you (as did I) basically chose to make a musical montage of action footage. In musical montage, the music is the backbone, so without that, there's no way for the finished product to work.

In my opinion, you've got a keen sense for pacing, and if you would've been working with better music, your final product probably would've been very good.
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Those are all cool.

I got a question though. Since I was never in the running, I never got a critique on my trailer except for a "looks good to me." I would love to get some real feedback.

What do you guys think of this one? If I was actually in the competition, do you think this trailer would have down well if promoted well?

What parts do you like? What can be changed?

Keep it constructive please.

I like the momentum you kept going throughout the trailer with the music and cutting back and forth quickly enough to keep it energetic but not so fast that it becomes one of those hyper trailers where you just can not blink.

I also liked the beginning few seconds more than the rest of the trailer. You were cutting between showing the exterior of the batmobile to the interior of the chrysler driving and it seemed in sync and flowed smoothly. Basically, you would expect the next cut from the batmobile driving exterior to be the batmobile driving interior but i liked how it was the chrysler instead.

Later on in the trailer i couldn't really find a clever flow like that between the cuts, at least in the one time that i've seen it. But then again, i dont know what else you couldve done since i havent gone through the assets or anything.
Those are all cool.

I got a question though. Since I was never in the running, I never got a critique on my trailer except for a "looks good to me." I would love to get some real feedback.

What do you guys think of this one? If I was actually in the competition, do you think this trailer would have down well if promoted well?

What parts do you like? What can be changed?

Keep it constructive please.

I like that you had a good mix of car footage and trailer/preview clips throughout. That was really good. Some of the entries did not even have that!

Improvements? To me I think it's good to cut to another video when there is a "bang!" or a high sound note in the audio track. You did a good job at that during the mid section of the video. Towards the end I think the video did not cut with the sound/music as much as it did early on.

Also using an audio fade effect on the car SFX would have sounded better fading out, instead of it just ending.

The more you work on it the better it will get.:)

Found this one to be very interesting:
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Thanks for the honest feedback. :)

Thanks! Yeah the music editing was the toughest bit. Took me a while to figure out what I wanted. I just knew I didn't want to use the chanting haha.


Thanks! Yes, I see your point about not being much of a flow later on in the trailer. That's mostly because there were some very good clips I couldn't use because my NLE wouldn't take them. I was too limited!


Thanks! Yeah the audio does need some work. Good news is if I ever do a short film or something I'll get an audio pro to handle it. Too much of a headache for me.

Thank you all! :D
Any idea what the number in (1789) mean on the videos? When you click on the video to see it on Youtube it is there in the description.
So, of course I like my own edit, and there are reasons that give me hope it could possibly win. But I also see that there are a great deal of talented editors out there who also made solid entries. I predict/hope that the winner will be one of these:

I like the fourth and fifth one down from the top. I like the fourth one the best but it is 26 seconds so it could be disqualified.
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