I think A LOT of people found it difficult to edit the music, and I'm not really surprised by that. The other day, I watched every movie that finished in the top-100 in votes, and you'd be surprised how many of them sounded EXACTLY the same. A great deal of people used the exact same portion of the percussion track, and nothing else.
That's not surprising because most people don't know how to edit music. Editing video and editing music are not the same thing, and they require a very different set of skills. I hesitate to tell you my background, because I really don't want it to sound like I'm bragging. However, it's worth noting that before I switched to my eventual degree in anthropology, I was a music education major for two years. That means that I took two years of music theory, studying and deconstructing the works of Bach, et all. That doesn't make me an expert, by any stretch of the imagination, but it certainly helps when editing music, and most people don't have that.
And that is why most people chose to use the exact same portion of the percussion track -- it was the only kind of musical editing they were capable of.
Anyway, the point I make is that you kinda bit off more than you could chew, in the way you edited the music. From a musical perspective, it doesn't make sense. It doesn't congeal. And that is problematic because you (as did I) basically chose to make a musical montage of action footage. In musical montage, the music is the backbone, so without that, there's no way for the finished product to work.
In my opinion, you've got a keen sense for pacing, and if you would've been working with better music, your final product probably would've been very good.