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Atlanta Underground seeks Anti-Bush films for Aug. fest

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Zensteve said:
He didn't say Moore was his exclusive source for what happens in politics.
I agree, zen.

I'm sorry I gave the impression I was horrified by Moore being his exclusive source what happens in politics.

I meant I was horrified by his statement that he wouldn't be aware of what goes on in American politics if it wasn't for Moore.
Zensteve said:
please no whiners about the 2000 election, it was won fair and square

This is the most horrific statement I've ever heard on these boards.

Even more horrific than "Hello, my name is Director_by_nature/Landon D. Parks/Joe Smith/Bugs Bunny. And I am a filmmaker."?

1. Bush won the freakin election!!!! I don't know what kind of conspiracy y'all think is messing with the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, but he DID win FAIR AND SQUARE!!! Geez.

2. I don't like Bush. I think he's the worst president in our recent history, but nor do I like Moore. They are equal in my book except that Bush has more power, so he's a little worse. They both are very close minded men who see everything as black and white and just love to lie (or manipulate the truth). They're hypocrites and both are EXTREMELY mean-spirited toward their respective enemies. Typing this right now is actually making me a little mad. How can these people live with themselves?

3. Benny Hill is awesome

4. I would also like to voice my hatred for Macy Gray. This woman has absolutely the WORST singing voice I've ever heard, and yet she's a multimillionare professional singer. (I just saw her perform on some talkshow)

This is the apocalypse.
ill accept that im being a little one sided on this matter. Moore was the first person who gave me an interest into american politics, but like zensteve said, an awareness has to start somewhere, right?
haha, macy gray's voice. i agree on THAT matter. what i cant stand are rappers who try and sing their own choruses, that shows how bad their voices are and how theyre getting paid millions for it:)
Especially Ja Rule!!!!

EEEWE his voice was bad.

I would hear J Lo or Ashanti's beautiful voices on the radio and then his nasty voice would chime in on the song and I would get an instant migrain. Thankfully he hasn't made any new music lately.

Sorry. Back on topic. Bush sucks!
I like to think of Moore's work as op-ed pieces than documentaries. He has a point of view and never hides that fact. Does he out and out lie? That's probably not true otherwise he'd be sued to death. Does he stretch the facts? Yes. Does somebody like Rush do the same? Yes. Do each one have some things to say that are valid and legitimate criticisms? Yes. I'd put those valid comments at less then 50% of their points.

Logan, your point #1 that Bush won fair and square can be contested. There was voter disinfranchising going on in Florida in 2000. Also, there are some reputeable studies that say Gore would have won had the entire state been recounted. (The count was stopped by the Supreme Court so it was never completed.) Personally, I don't think Bush won, but (and this is a big but) I think the legal battles could have gone on for months, thus leaving the country in leadership limbo. Something that could have done even more damage to the political landscape, so a call as to who had won had to be made after a certain amount of time.

I agree with you that I think Bush has been the worst president since Nixon. But hey that's my opinion. I have numerous reasons why, but I won't list them because I don't want to start a huge political debate about each issue. Do I think Bush is evil? No, just misguided. Is Kerry the 2nd Coming? No, I just tend to agree more of his ideas than Bush's.

As much people trash Moore I think he has a place. On one of his segments of "The Awful Truth" be may well have had saved one man's life by taking on Humana health and shaming them into honoring their contract to cover a life saving procedure. How many filmmakers can directly say their movies have saved a life?

Zensteve said:
Even more horrific than "Hello, my name is Director_by_nature/Landon D. Parks/Joe Smith/Bugs Bunny. And I am a filmmaker."?

You win :P

Yeah but only because I threatened the Supreme Court into stopping the recount.

scottspears said:
How many filmmakers can directly say their movies have saved a life?

Speilberg woke peole up to the dangers of cloning dinosaurs.

right on scott!
myself, i feel that kerry is more of a Clinton-type, and while he wasnt perfect either, he was in a more stable position than Bush.
The Awful Truth was an interesting show wasnt it. Like in the one showing how that murderer lived in a li'l shack for years (which would mess anyone's head up). Quite an odd comparison when you think of some of the mansions the rich live in.
I just hope Kerry goes right where Clinton went wrong (if elected). After all, those who do not know the history are condemned to repeat it.
Scott, Moore has told false and unfounded facts before...I consider that lying (although he may have believed the false statistics, etc. who knows). Rush and Moore should both reform their ways of presenting their opinions; in my opinion. I believe that total honesty and non hypococy can greatly and deeply help society in many ways...no matter where it comes from. Moore has been blessed with AWESOME talent, but I think that he is misusing his power; not by ridiculing the president (and others), but by the way he does it.

The reason I get so annoyed when people say Bush lost the election is: they're usually talking about the fact that he lost the popular vote. That bothers me because the popular vote is not what decides the out come. It never has been, so why would the popular all of the sudden override the electoral college? Well, that's obviously not what you were trying to say, so you may have a good point. I still hold my position on the matter though.
o.k. thats great, but what im saying is that it just isnt an original idea for a film festival. Isn't that the whole point of film? To make somthing original, somthing unique, somthing that has to do with art. Well i'm sorry, but continuously bashing on Bush is not original, is not unuique, and has little, if anything to do with art.
That's hardly true. More than anything, the point of film, or all art really, is its message. A movie can look great - but if it lacks a theme, then what's the point, really? Films that carry a message are true art. Films that carry an important message (i.e. Don't Vote Bush) are not only art, but they're incredibly important. It's a little thing you may have heard of, known as Freedom of Speech.

It's a sad fact that the American people are largely uneducated about the negative effects the Bush Administration has had on the country. With that in mind, films like these are hugely important. I get the feeling you only object to them because they're "bashing" Bush. I say "bashing" because bringing to light the things Bush has done (or failed to do) is hardly bashing.


The only thing I ask is that the anti Bush people be sensible and not call him Hitler, but I guess actually knowing and understanding History is something I can't expect of people educated in the US school system...
You're right. Hitler fought for his country while Bush desserted the Air Nation Guard. Hitler waged a terrible but largely successful war while Bush waged two failed wars. And Hitler managed to string two words together while Bush was misunderestimated.
[strike]Raymond Shaw[/strike] "George Bush is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life."

Edit: Poop. Strike tags don't work here. :(
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