marketing Asking for Reviews

Peace to all

I'd like to ask those of you who know about fim reviews. I have a list of film critics (mostly small ones) from whom I would ask a review for my microbudget feature. But how can I avoid the danger of getting a bad review? Can I ask them to write a review only if they like the movie?

Reviewers will often only seriously pan a major film. If they don't like your small movie they may not write the review, or, they may be constructive in their review. But it doesn't really suit anybody to tear up a small film by an unknown filmmaker. This is my experience.
I've always been of the mindset that any publicity and reviews are worth getting for the name recognition, Google search bump, etc.
I've had reviews of my movies that range from great to terrible, but I've never regretted getting them.

And from a marketing perspective, most reviews have SOMETHING that you can pull and quote on your web site, Twitter, FB, whatever.
Can I ask them to write a review only if they like the movie?

I love this idea; i find it endearing. :). Of course you can ask anything, and I can imagine someone, if they believe you are sincere, getting such a kick out of the question that they would look at something they otherwise wouldn't bother with.

A lot, maybe most, movie reviewers seem to be more concerned with what they don't like than with what they do, and with trying to out smart-ass each other. But this actually might be a good idea, a novel approach to reviews that might actually work. I imagine a person whose stated policy is to only write about what he or she likes, whose touchstone is :'If you don't have anything good to say about someone/thing, don't say anything at all." Although I suppose even this person couldn't resist a review with the title of the movie above a blank page.
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I think it's better advice to seek out the proper reviewers for your film. Horror for horror, etc. You can also read/watch their previous reviews to see their style and more than likely they will have a little info on their submission page to glean.
Ask around, try to get diversity. Read clearly what is written in any review, no matter who the reviewer is. Take it all in with an open mind, know that we all learn a lot from our failures (more than from our successes). What is in your mind's view of the story (and/or the production) may not always be perceived by others as you wanted. Even the best writers, directors, editors, talent, etc. lay goose eggs. Just try to move forward, never stop breathing and learn by doing (and associations).
I love this idea; i find it endearing. :). Of course you can ask anything, and I can imagine someone, if they believe you are sincere, getting such a kick out of the question that they would look at something they otherwise wouldn't bother with.

A lot, maybe most, movie reviewers seem to be more concerned with what they don't like than with what they do, and with trying to out smart-ass each other. But this actually might be a good idea, a novel approach to reviews that might actually work. I imagine a person whose stated policy is to only write about what he or she likes, whose touchstone is :'If you don't have anything good to say about someone/thing, don't say anything at all." Although I suppose even this person couldn't resist a review with the title of the movie above a blank page.
Thanks, Spike. Looks like I'll have to reach them when they're in a good mood!
Ask around, try to get diversity. Read clearly what is written in any review, no matter who the reviewer is. Take it all in with an open mind, know that we all learn a lot from our failures (more than from our successes). What is in your mind's view of the story (and/or the production) may not always be perceived by others as you wanted. Even the best writers, directors, editors, talent, etc. lay goose eggs. Just try to move forward, never stop breathing and learn by doing (and associations).
Thanks, Don. I'm not afraid of criticism, but of bad press.
You're open to opinions no matter where it is seen. YT, social, this website, amazon. You have to either get it out there or sit on it and do nothing, up to you.
I suppose this tactic could be useful if you feel you have too much credibility as a creator and businessperson, and you want to remove that.

Seriously, duder: Do not ever, ever, ever, ever ever do this. It is directly insulting to the reviewer. It's not your job or your business. Some reviewers will strike back by deliberately writing a negative review; some will just round-file your movie and forget all about you (the best outcome); most will give you no review, but tell the story to their friends and colleagues as a cautionary tale -- "Can you believe the nerve of this kid? What a naive, entitled, thin-skinned, whiny child!"

Demanding control over other people's reactions to your work is not a thing you can expect, nor do you have any right to it. Have the courage to stand behind your work! Or keep it to yourself; the choice is yours.
Ultimately, I think, creating art and reviewing art are two entirely different things. The first thing is laudible, is doing the Flying Spaghetti-Monster's work, regardless of the final quality or originality or whatever-criteria-one-likes, of the work. The second, regardless of its quality, is a lesser thing. Have a vision, and then realize it as best you can. I'd like to have, or to try to affect, this opinion: Anything else is somebody else's job. Of course one can listen to critiques that seem smart and sincere. Or one can just not look at reviews at all. And there's always: Pearls before Swine. Anyway.
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