Fuck off
Very nice.
Fuck off
Not at all.I have no doubt in my mind that this kid initially tried to rip people off via crowdfunder/indiegogo, and has now moved on to trying to find some stupid person to buy a company that makes nothing.
What's funny is: if you look this guy up: he has a vimeo account with no videos, a youtube account with 3 horrible quality videos:
See what I mean? Excuses.I agree they're horrible, but that's the best I can do with the bullshit equipment I have... No mic, piece of shit SD camera, pinnacle studio to edit with, no filters, no matte box, no lights, no bounce cards; I had a piece of shit camera and a tripod and none paid actors (of which only 2 of them are actually actors).
I know that if I took the time to break down the movies for you andSo honestly with those things in mind, break down the videos, and tell me what's wrong with them... nobody's ever been willing to break them down for me... they just tell me they suck; not very constructive.