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Area 51 Entertainment for Sale

Well, almost everyone else in the indie world make micro budget stuff on their own dime in hopes of getting noticed and getting funding for bigger and better projects. You'd have to be a pretty fabulous salesman to convince someone to drop the kind of money you're talking about on someone with absolutely no track record. Anyone can write a script, many can write good and compelling scripts, few can actually produce a movie and even less can produce one for profit.

Good luck I guess?
Which I can't do because I have none of my own money. And I've done the math, if I can get a job around here, it would take me about 10 years to raise the money I need to even shoot a $10k budgeted film... not worth it.

Really? What are your monthly expenses? If you pinch every penny and live in a cheap place and work a job making only $20,000 a year (roughly $10 an hour at a 40 hour week) you should easily be able to save $10k in a couple years. There are gas stations who's wages start at $11.50 and go up from there. I know people working several jobs to be able to save and provide. It's not glamorous, but if you're going to make a name for yourself in this industry, or really any industry for that matter, you can't make excuses.

Not having the drive to do something like that equates to not having the drive to pull off a feature at any budget. Everyone thinks having a ton of money for a feature will make it way easier in every way, but while some problems may vanish new ones will arise. The only difference in the problems a director with a $1k budget faces and a director with a $1mil budget faces are the amount of zeros at the end of each problem.

EDIT: none of that was mean in negative way towards you OP, rather hopefully more of an inspirational way? We're responsible 99% of the time for holding ourselves back, not the circumstances around us.
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Making about $18,000 a year, roughly $13,000 after taxes. (My effective tax rate would be 24% with income, fica, and state.)
Living at home I'd have to pay about $100 a month in rent.
Cover my own health insurance at about $400 a month. (Which of course is now required by law)
Don't have a car so $200 for a car payment (if I can even get approved with my credit history).
About $150 in monthly credit card payments.
Plus my annual business compliance costs (annual reports, required taxes, etc.) at about $1000 for the year.
I'm pretty sure I'm missing a few things...

So I'd have about $1500 disposable income every year.

As someone suggested before, it sounds like it is time to sell your intangibles. Get the money you need for your company, buy a car, get a decent house, and get to work.
Making about $18,000 a year, roughly $13,000 after taxes. (My effective tax rate would be 24% with income, fica, and state.)
Living at home I'd have to pay about $100 a month in rent.
Cover my own health insurance at about $400 a month. (Which of course is now required by law)
Don't have a car so $200 for a car payment (if I can even get approved with my credit history).
About $150 in monthly credit card payments.
Plus my annual business compliance costs (annual reports, required taxes, etc.) at about $1000 for the year.
I'm pretty sure I'm missing a few things...

So I'd have about $1500 disposable income every year.

Health insurance isn't required until 2014, and you're a fool if you think you'll be paying anywhere near $400/mo. For now, you are still young enough to be covered by your parents (and even after 2014).

You don't need a car.

BOOM! I just solved your budget. You can save $10,000 in less than two years.

BTW -- did you know you're legally allowed to work more than one job?
How would I get to and from work without a car? The nearest store in the area is 1.5 miles away. I live in the middle of nowhere. We don't even have side walks.

Oh my God! I didn't consider the possibility that you might have to WALK or RIDE A BIKE!

I just googled your location. You're within public-transit distance of Atlantic City! Get an F-ing job.
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Thread Closed. Don't bother replying.

I'm not sure that it works like that.

Look, kid. You've got opportunity all around you. You have to grab it. It won't just come to you. You think you're in the middle of nowhere, but you're not. Try North Dakota.

Get outta here with your complaints about what little there is around you. You're on the Eastern Seaboard!!! You're in one of the most populace areas of the world!!! And there's a lot of money around you, sheeeeiiiiiitt!!!

Just make it happen, dude. That's the same reality we're all faced with. Welcome to the world.