Have you talked to Ted Schilowitz too? Did he produced as good an impression on you as Jannard?
Will you have HDR on the camera you purchased? I'm not sure if it's still at an experimental stage or if they're confident enough to include it in their products. The preliminary results they made public were very impressive.
It's my understanding that all Epic-X cameras will feature HDRx technology. There's talk of using it to offset higher stop lenses, but I haven't seen an effective field test yet. I have seen the impossible shot video, which shows seamless day to night via hdr.
I did not speak with Ted. I'm not really a RED fanatic, it's just the absolute best feature set in my price range. The booth didn't hold my attention for long, since no one was trying to sell me anything, or speak to me, and the information in the booth was only about 5% beyond what I had gotten from their websites. I saw the Special Booth Only film, and it was good, they did a fine job on short notice.
I was far more entranced by the stedicam booth, where the guy who shot the speeder chase scene in Jedi had me harnessed into a stabilizer unit 2 minutes after I approached the booth. They dropped a 35 pound camera rig onto me an it just floated in the air in front of me. Felt like I was wearing a 5 pound backpack. (for british readers a 5 lb. backpack) Buying one of those no matter what camera I get. These guys were still exited about there product after 30 years, so you know it's good.
Checked out the Alexa. Ready for prime time, but sort of pricey for independents at 110k full built.
Sony took me aside into a private room and talked about diving prices on F23 and F35, Watch out! You will soon buy a camera as good as a panavision genesis for well under 100k.
Panasonic AF100 looked great, but was in a highly optimized setup, and had a 5k dollar Ziess CP on the front. A bit misleading when you think about how many people that buy a 5k camcorder are going to add on a 5k lens.
Angenueix showed me the DP rouge lenses, and they looked very clean and sharp. Also small and light. Cine quality in a portable zoom lens.