Anybody know of any indie features shot on either the 7D or T2i?

Local newspaper interviewed me, and wants more info on my camera. Specifically, they want to know if there have been any movies (one that people would recognize) that have been shot on one of these cameras. I'm sure plenty have been shot on them, but I can't think of any that people would recognize. Any thoughts?

Season 6 finale of House was shot on a DSLR, but not either of the two you want...

I'll have a think, because I know that there are some, I just can't remember them at this precise moment in time...
As Nick said, mentioning House would be a good idea. Perhaps you can sneak it in by being general and using the term Canon DSLR's instead of specific models?
Local newspaper interviewed me, and wants more info on my camera. Specifically, they want to know if there have been any movies (one that people would recognize) that have been shot on one of these cameras. I'm sure plenty have been shot on them, but I can't think of any that people would recognize. Any thoughts?


Black Swan (2010)
Arriflex 16 SR3, Zeiss Ultra 16 Lenses
Arriflex 416, Zeiss Ultra 16 Lenses
Canon EOS 5D Mark II, Canon L-Series Lenses
Canon EOS 7D, Canon L-Series Lenses

for production
Bloody Bloody Bible Camp, with Reggie Bannister, Tim Sullivan, Steven Richards
and Ron Jeremy?

I 'spose you mean more mainstream indie, though. I'll think harder.

p.s. Hey Michael! Long time no see. :cool:
The 5D was used for several shots on Iron Man 2… might be difficult to find whole films shot on DSLRs that the general public will have heard of, but given that this is for a non-cinema geek audience you can probably get away with namedropping films that used them for parts.
-Opening title sequence of Saturday Night Live.
-Some British comedy called Shelfstackers (?)
-Coronation Street documentary...
-Season 7 of Hustle.

Seems like we Brits have caught on with the DSLR fad pretty fast :) Don't see too many movies mentioned except Sensory Perception and A Beautiful Belly but I've got no idea what they are...
Sweet. That's a whole lot more than I expected. Thanks for the info, guys. The reporter is a friend of a friend, and she wants to make me appear professional (gotta love that friendly hometown media), so I think I'll tell her to emphasize DSLR, not so much T2i. :lol:
I think it'd be absolutely fine to include 5D's on that list. Not too much difference, and it widens
the list of films you can name-check.

Wikipedia should have a list.