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"Antihero" at Seattle True Indie Film Fest

Monday, May 7th, at the historic Grand Illusion Cinema, "Antihero" invades Seatown! It will be accompanied by a few really cool-looking shorts, and I will be in attendance. Showtime is 8PM. Don't be shy to PM me if you wanna hang out before or after.

Although I'm still waiting on notifications from a couple more festivals, I'm essentially considering this the end of our festival run. And it's a good end, because this is a homecoming for me. Seattle is my home, and what's more, the U-district (where the film is screening) is one of my childhood and early-adulthood stomping-grounds.

Not familiar with STIFF? They are to Seattle Independent Film Festival what Slamdance is to Sundance. In other words, they show cool movies that are fun to watch, made by the little guys! :D

Thanks, all! Dima, I look forward to it. :)

On a side-note, I caught notice of another film screening, "QWERTY", the night before mine, in which an IT semi-regular, Steve Gelder, has a part. Small world!
I was about to say "congrats" and mention the small world aspect of things, but I see you beat me to it. Oh well, congrats anyway - hope you enjoy the premiere, CF! STIFF is a great fest - I was a part of the first two or three STIFFs, I think.

Further "small world" stuff - I was at a birthday party of a friend Saturday, and ran into a friend of mine who fronts a band. He told me two of his/their songs got picked as soundtrack tunes...for QWERTY. He doesn't remember how he got in touch with the director, but we're now in the same film, months apart and for different reasons. And in the same room, hangin' out, Saturday night.

Monday, May 7th, at the historic Grand Illusion Cinema, "Antihero" invades Seatown! It will be accompanied by a few really cool-looking shorts, and I will be in attendance. Showtime is 8PM. Don't be shy to PM me if you wanna hang out before or after.
WELLL... ?!!!!
How did it go?
Cool? Not cool?
WTH happened?! :yes: :woohoo:
It was a lot of fun! :D

I met a real talented filmmaker from SoCal, and we discussed our plans for the future (and he gave me a heads-up on some stuff I need to be checking out).

The screening on Monday was great. I brought 12 of my friends and family (including dlevanchuk and his fiance), and I'd say we made up about 1/3 of the audience. Audience seemd to enjoy it. Lots of laughter at all the right places (especially from my friends/family, but of course they're biased). The organizer of the fest couldn't stop talking about the two leads, so I'm hoping they'll get some kind of official recognition.

Thanks for asking, Ray. If I can comment cross-thread, I'm glad to see that you're getting serious about moving into pre-production on your first big project. You should definitely do it!

Cheers. :)
I'm glad to hear it was a good event and experience.

BTW, I'm still looking forward to your detailed kickstarter analysis.

I want to learn from all your excrutiating pain. :D

And "Thank you."
My stomach is still in knots a I try to think of sane reasons not to go forward with it.
The more do-able it becomes the more compelled I am to go all in, as insane as we both know blowing time and money on a feature is.
Once you know how to spend $50, $150, $550-thousand it starts to get nutty because "This can work!"

You can spend it.
But can you earn it back?

Yeah, that's not so easy. :) :crazy: