archived-videos ANNOYING BRIAN 2

Very funny...again!

You guys did a great job. The acting was superb (though I thought my kid took care of you in 05)!


P.S. How's Loud Orange Cat doing? I haven't seen him around for awhile.
As I said to John in an email earlier today, AB2 is the best superior sequel since The Godfather Part II.

I still can't stop laughing at it. <watching it again, queues it up on the AppleTV to show it all my friends>

Hey John, how about a full-resolution 640x480 H.264 downloadable version?
OMG, YES!!!!

Even better than the first time!!! This one's got some amazing gags in it too! Loved the acting... oh the scene where the lady pukes made me almost fall out of my chair. Can't say it enough- amazing. Loved the Bophe tune in the background music too- worked well, nice touch.

Any chance for an Annoying Brian Christmas Special? LOL
Thanks so much for the kind words guys! it's always nice to get feedback of any kind, but the good kind is best ;)
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Here's a new poster -- courtesy of Mr. Terranova. In truth, it is a still from a behind-the-scenes moment while we were planning/rehersing, but the shot just works!