Animator here

Your other thread sounds like an excellent opportunity for someone.
I'm trying to brainstorm some sort of horror short but right now I've got nothing.
I was really into blender a while back, dabbled in everything from modeling to rigging. What software do you use?

For what it's worth, talk to me if you're ever doing a short and want music. I'm interested in writing for animation. (Actually, I'm rewriting the music to Big Buck Bunny as an exercise right now).

I really don't like restricting myself to one specific piece of software. I guess the most comfortable 3D Environment for me is Maya since that's what I've used the most, starting from Uni years. But I used XSI a while back a lot, because our Uni had some sort of contract with them, so that was the main 3D package we were taught. 3DS max came up during specific projects a lot.I love blender as well, even used to teach it on a course to some young folks for a year. That's regarding the main 3D Package. Then of course things like Zbrush ,Mudbox and a few much less known programs can be very time-saving for specific tasks.

Since I Do a lot of 2D stuff there's a bunch of Vector and raster building programs I use from PS and Illustrator to Toon Boom. For Compositing we mainly used Nuke, but nowadays I've migrated to Blackmagic's Fusion, just because it's cheap but still a very strong piece of software. And generally try to use Open sourced software or stuff that is free or cheaper, because when I started running on my own, all the costs really added up to a lot.

So yeh, it's hard for me to talk about specific programs that I use, because I mainly try to develop the transferable skills when I do practice and I just take a bit of time off to learn a new piece of tech when needed for each situation and project.

For what it's worth, talk to me if you're ever doing a short and want music. I'm interested in writing for animation. (Actually, I'm rewriting the music to Big Buck Bunny as an exercise right now).

That's actually really cool. I studied music myself for around 8 years before getting into the Animation industry, but nowadays, rarely have any time to allow for it. Now it's limited to playing a few songs on the guitar with some friends from time to time. So will be nice to keep your contact details, in case there's some related work or a personal project you can contribute towards. Thanks for the heads-up.
Your other thread sounds like an excellent opportunity for someone.
I'm trying to brainstorm some sort of horror short but right now I've got nothing.

Yeh, I think it is sfoster. Miss the uni days when I had all kinds of different Coeds to work with and build portfolios together. Made life so much easier when you could compartmentalize and focus on the work you're really good at. And I think it's generally a good Idea to try and build portfolios by cooperating with other people rather than trying to lift the whole workload by yourself. Plus employers and clients actually prefer seeing projects that are a result of teamwork most of the time. So it's really a Win-win thing for everyone.
Wasn't expecting such a thorough answer - thanks! I had to look up a few of those that I hadn't heard of. The 2D world especially I'm less familiar with, but I always think it's amazing to look at. Somehow it has an artistic directness that 3D lacks, maybe because it's inherently stylized.
Welcome! I've started dabbling in Blender lately. Been curious about using Fusion. How are you liking it? I mostly use After Effects for compositing (learned it because it came with all the other Adobe products I was working with), but I'm interested in diving into another program.