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Advice, Suggestions, Ect.


so this is what i did with after effects today... and wow it sucks! but it's a start... the sound effects were last second too haha

And the quality is bad because i wanted to just rush-post this :P

So does anyone have any suggestions, advice, ect?
Keep in mind that this was my first thing ever on AE
and that I already know it is garbage x)
This doesn't really qualify as either advice or criticism, more as curiosity. I've noticed in a few videos that when people get shot the blood comes up as a puff of smoke and it looks kind of wrong. I think this must be common to After Effects because i've seen it in different occasions, I'm just curious as to why it happens?
Honestly I think because it's going more towards the "eye candy"
action movies are always farfetched from realism..
that's my opinion :P

I don't know why people do it, I like the way it looks (when done correctly, I did it horribly)
I'm not sure what advice or suggestions you're looking for.

I would suggest you slow down and work harder on anything
you want to present to others - but you already know that.
My advice would be to not rush into anything just to have
something to show - but you know that.

If I were to tell you it looks rushed and like you didn't spend
much time on it you would say you know that.

So I guess I will suggest that you don't show your tests. At
least not the tests you know aren't very good. When you work
really hard on something and you do the very best you can,
then is a good time to ask others what you can do to improve.
Even if it's not very good, at least others will know you took the
time and did your best.
It looks like you followed a tutorial.. Not a bad thing, not original either.
Add some highlights/flash and a small amount of muzzle flash.

Go to 1:00 in the video here: http://www.pruittfx.com/

Thats an easy effect... Duplicate your footage layer and add an exposure effect to it and over expose the shot for one frame during the muzzle flash. Its not that realistic, but it works.

Try adding a hole in the shirts instead of the mist. ;)
Yeah, I started noticing the blood mist in more and more movies.. I honestly think it started on the net, at least it got the exposure, but I watched "The Men Who Stare At Goats" last night, an sure nuf, a blood mist shot in that movie..

For criticisms. I think the gore and all that was pretty good, and that could be a neat action sequence, but it was too slow with awkward action. You could tweak it by going FAST motion then slow motion... (ala the twixtor look)

For your live footage, you need a REASON for every action. Why did shooter one stop shooting? I know you were just playing, but play harder man! :) Also, shoot the action from a few different angles and cut it together, that will instantly UP your cool factor.