I'd love some feedback on this mini-film. Do you think I succeeded in telling a story within the short runtime?
Agreed on all counts, I wouldn't say it was terrible, but there were some missed opportunities in the chase sequence.
I give this film a score of .... BBC1, that's below the CW but above Hulu plus originals.
You don't always notice how important scoring is until you replace it.
You just wrote my new business card: "Cancel your Hulu subscription and subscribe to my channel instead. But don't worry, you can still watch The Flash!"Agreed on all counts, I wouldn't say it was terrible, but there were some missed opportunities in the chase sequence.
I give this film a score of .... BBC1, that's below the CW but above Hulu plus originals.
You don't always notice how important scoring is until you replace it.
Thanks for the feedback! Good criticism. The idea was that she twisted or broke her ankle while running and had to stop... but we needed more than a barely audible sound effect to communicate thati'm a fan of really quick films and you do tell a story here that's easy to watch
I unfortunately have some criticism though.
This whole movie is built around a chase scene, it's the climax of the story, but the chase scene is poorly executed.
We don't even get to see the chase scene end it just fades to black and then? IDK. this woman is running for her life supposedly, but then when the chase is over she is just sitting on the ground completely relaxed, not out of breath or anything. looking at her, you can't even tell she was runnning.
But the way that the chase was filmed is the biggest problem, the two characters are never once even in the same frame together?
I have no idea how far away she is, how close the guy is to catching her, shots lack energy and suspense.
You say it's an action film ... well thats the rub, action films live or die by how exciting their action sequences are.
My favorite foot chase is from Death Sentence - due to copyright issues it's only available with this weird alternate score
shaky cam is the result of telling your cameraman to shoot the scene as though he/she doesn't know how to handle a camera
I like the turn toward social commentary that this thread took. If this post becomes the catalyst for police reform in America, I’m running for presidentedit - Nevermind I accidentally got political about a cop getting away with murder
All I can say is look for me in 2024I have an unpopular anecdote about police reform,
I lived mainly in two places, one was a rural hick town in Indiana, and the other was the heart of Silicon Valley.
In the rural town, cops were hired on at 14k a year salary, prerequisites were a GED, and little big man syndrome. We had a significant amount of the kind of police behavior that needs to be "reformed" there. Dumb cops, racist cops, criminal cops, violent cops, etc.
In Mountain View CA, cops were hired at a 65k a year salary. College degrees were mandatory, and they didn't just hire anyone who walked in the door. Psychological testing, character references, etc, were required to land a job. Because they were offering 4x the money, more people, and better people applied for the jobs.
Over a decade in Mountain View, I never heard one report of police beating suspects, stealing money, etc. In the rural area, you would hear about it a half dozen times a year.
My point being that when police departments don't hire high school dropouts, and people that would fail a psyche screen, the situation seems to improve dramatically. The problem with police behavior is real, no question, I'm just not sure lowering the resources that stations have available to hire a better grade of cop is the answer.
They started telling me all about their church, a place they were very proud of.