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watch Acting!

over the last couple of weeks i've been uploading film covers on youtube..

but because i don't seem to get any views on youtube i decided to come here :)

if you could please watch one of my videos then let me one how to improve my acting it would mean a lot.

i have only done a school play before so please don't be too harsh.

here in the link to my youtube page.. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd8wWRwkqQU0rdegWJMUnWg
It's usually a good idea to keep your eyes open while delivering your lines. From the short time I looked, you always started your lines by closing your eyes... and I'm talking more than just a blink.

Try to show some emotion. It helps the audience connect with you.
thank you so much for the feedback. :)
i have taken note to keep my eyes open and to be more expressive.
i'll make sure i work on both of these things in my next video.

thanks again, it helps a lot.
i just got a rode mic, so hopefully that helps.
never the less, i've taking note to speak up.

thank you so much for your comment and time.
well in the play i was in i was told to be super expressive and then when i told people i wanted to get into film they told me to be a lot less expressive.. needless to say its a pain to find where in between you should be.
when you say i'm holding back what do you mean? could you be a little more specific?
this is the second time i've been told to be more "expressive" so i really need to work on that.
Right, there's definitely a big difference between acting for stage and acting for a camera. On stage, the people in the back row need to be able to see and hear what you're feeling. The camera is more like a microscope.

When I mention that it feels like you're holding back, I'm just reiterating that I think you could be more expressive. I'm not an acting coach, so I'm afraid I'm not capable of giving you specific techniques to become better at this, I'm just answering your question, based on my gut feelings.

Take the Star Trek scene, for example. First, take another look at the way Chris Pine plays it. I'm certainly not saying you should mimic him. But I think there's a pretty clear difference in how much he wears his emotions on his sleeve in that scene (and the whole movie, really).

Think of the emotional context of the scene. His entire purpose is to piss off Spock, who at that point in the movie, he hasn't really forged a friendship with. Now, think of yourself, in your life -- have you ever intentionally tried to piss someone off? REALLY piss them off? Or, has anyone ever attacked you, with the sole purpose of pissing you off? In any instance, if you're really trying to anger someone, wouldn't your verbal assault be callous and relentless? That's the main thing I would want from you, in that scene, to make your performance more of a ruthless personal attack.

Thanks for sharing with us, and best of luck! :)
Your pretty good. You need to be more clear with your lines. You mumble. Just speak up a little and be clear. You need to get more emotional about your scenes
not convey my emotions has been the number one comment, but its harder then it looks lol
but believe me, i'm practicing and I will get there.
thank you so much for the feedback
i'm not taking any acting classes and i have never had any in the past.
i did a high school play and i worked on a indie film set, but never got to act.
thanks for the encouraging words :)
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i have decided to start making vlogs.. do you think its a good way to get people to see my acting?
or would it be better to just stick to one thing??
i do like vloging too
If you dig vlogging, go for it. If you intend to use it as an actor's resource, consider keeping topical to movies, television or stage.

Started acting classes yet? :)

i see it as another exercise.
because in my vlogs i don't act the same may as i would in real life.
so in a way its just more acting, right? plus i love talking about films too
Hi everyone!

Two days ago I did a scene from the shakespearean play 'Othello'.
Because it was just the script and not a movie clip, i didn't have a actor spoon feed me what to do for the scene.
This was the first scene i've ever done that isn't from a film, so it was exciting for me to have that freedom.
plus it was a little pain to memorize :P

This is the link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJs92izZXKI

I would really love to hear what you think of it.
thank you so much for your time and support!
Okay my thoughts:

1) You are not terrible, congratulations!!
2) Some of these videos could use better enunciation
3) I think there is too much head & eye movement for some of these close ups. I think if you mixed that up by sometimes just relaxing, holding still and looking at the other person square in the eyes as you deliver the line it would help. What do your eyes do when you talk to a person in real life? Sometimes you look away, but sometimes you stop and scan their face for a reaction after you've spoken.
thanks, I'm happy you don't think i'm "terrible" :P
is the "congratulations!!" because you see a lot of people that are terrible?

I think the reason I have trouble holding still and keeping that eye contact, is because i'm attempting to make it a little more entertaining, since it is just a short scene..?
this next scene I do will focus on practising that.