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watch Acting!

thanks, I'm happy you don't think i'm "terrible" :P
is the "congratulations!!" because you see a lot of people that are terrible?

I think the reason I have trouble holding still and keeping that eye contact, is because i'm attempting to make it a little more entertaining, since it is just a short scene..?
this next scene I do will focus on practising that.

sometimes intensity comes from holding still, but I'm no actor myself

congratulations because I think you have some talent, I wouldn't tell you to give up on your dreams. there were some moments there that felt genuine
Hi everyone!

Two days ago I did a scene from the shakespearean play 'Othello'.
Because it was just the script and not a movie clip, i didn't have a actor spoon feed me what to do for the scene.
This was the first scene i've ever done that isn't from a film, so it was exciting for me to have that freedom.
plus it was a little pain to memorize :P

This is the link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJs92izZXKI

I would really love to hear what you think of it.
thank you so much for your time and support!


An improvement. Much better than the last. Less blinking and you spoke up.

Like sfoster said, you need better enunciation.

thank you!
i think i'm getting better with the blinking and speaking up as i gain confidence. :)
i also have a speech impediment, so that might take a little longer to fix, but i wont stop trying.

thanks again :)