My point about the baby not being real was just that, without having seen the film, people may think a real newborn child was subjected to the experiance
Wait, it's not real???????? Do you mean that other movies, like SEED, have real babies and acts of violence in them? I thought these were all snuff movies..... (Yes, I'm being totally sarcastic. As Crackerfunk said, not even our moms are going to think this is real.
Anyway, thanks for the welcome!
Welcome, mad_hatter! I'm classic horror fan, so I'm looking forward to a different conversation in the future.
Being from Britain, we had the video nasty business here in the 80's. We look back at it now, thinking how rediculous it was for campaigners like Mary Whitehouse to criticise a movie that she'd never even seen. Why is this case different?
Because we are not politicians, nor are we suggesting any type of censorship. I specifically am against any politician (Joe Lieberman, Hillary Clinton, etc.) who threatens my choices of movies and videogames. As a private citizen I also have the right to say that say what I think about any movie, based on what I read, which is different than me telling you not to see it. It is a discussion topic, yes?
As for the "Video Nasties," I have a book on the subject! I'm sorry that your country wussed out and bowed to media and political pressure. I'm sorry to say that a lot of those movies (EVIL DEAD, LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT, THE BEYOND, etc.) pale to some of the stuff coming out, now.
I think I'm going to start a thread on books, so check it out....