A Business Model For A Proposal For The SyFy Network

Summer Glau is a name people know. And, since The Cape tanked, she may be looking for work and something new to try.

There's something on the web called the Summer Glau curse - namely, that every series she has appeared in has failed after one or two seasons. I'm superstitious, so I'd avoid hiring her. I'll start a thread here on this.

But how do you approach SyFy? I'd be very interested in doing a movie for $200 grand and selling it for $500 grand.
The way you approach SyFy is to pick up the phone and call.
They are in the business of acquiring and creating programming.

Of course they will not set up a meeting with every single filmmaker
who wants to pitch; the guidelines are the same as approaching any
company. I suggested MDM do it right away because he has an "in".

I suggest you do it when you have an excellent project to pitch and
the financing in place.