archived-videos 8 BITS: Stand Up Comedy

Pretty good. You're building up a sweet catalogue of material.

My gripes are still the same. You've got the production line set up, but not the consistency of a series. It's a crapshoot as to what comes next. Maybe I just like too much order in my life. :blush:

In a similar vein, take advantage of playlists & channels on your YouTube site. You could arrange all the comedy standup bits in one playlist, your live-action videogame material in another, your random whatevs in another, etc. Help people easily find what they want, from your growing offering of content. :)

...and finally... So who's all got an Xbox GamerTag, anyway? :secret:
Mine's ZenSteve
In a similar vein, take advantage of playlists & channels on your YouTube site. You could arrange all the comedy standup bits in one playlist, your live-action videogame material in another, your random whatevs in another, etc. Help people easily find what they want, from your growing offering of content. :)

That's what I intend to do
What do you think of an 8 BITS series in narrative format? (as in not random sketches, though those would still be produced)

I've got so many ideas floating around on how to make 8 BITS a multi-platform, transmedia franchise of sorts and it just occurred to me that I could produce a webseries featuring the characters, and this style that has a real story to it (it would have to be pretty f-in good though)
What do you think of an 8 BITS series in narrative format? (as in not random sketches, though those would still be produced)

I've got so many ideas floating around on how to make 8 BITS a multi-platform, transmedia franchise of sorts and it just occurred to me that I could produce a webseries featuring the characters, and this style that has a real story to it (it would have to be pretty f-in good though)

As you know, like Zensteve, I've also advocated to you in the past to connect them together in some way - The consistency of a series could be achieved exceptionally well if you establish characters and run it like a webshow. I think that'd be a brilliant idea, and certainly a step up from the random sketches you're on now.

On another note, Youtube does not want to let me watch this episode, and I can watch other things on Youtube. Very odd.

EDIT: I finally got it to load, but it took probably two or three minutes of the rotating spheres of perpetual annoyance that Youtube is so often plagued with. Not like that with other videos, could this be an upload issue?
Youtube is faster for videos with high traffic, especially if you are using the flash player to view. Flash player has p2p technology where other users will help to serve you video if they're all watching the same thing
Youtube is faster for videos with high traffic

youtube is everything beneficial to videos with high traffic...

"We'll promote and recommend your video to help it gain more views! ...if it gets a lot of views."

"Keywords in your video's tags will help your video get found! ...if it gets a lot of views."