550D for indie filmmakers?

Hi everyone,
Im on an urge to purchace Canon 550D very soon for the sole purpose of making independent films. I have been using mini dv prior to this and now would like to join the bandwagon of DSLR filmmakers.
Being a noob I need some expert opinion in addition to answers to few questions.

1) First of all, is it a recommended model for independent film makers?

(Since there is no auto focus, would it be okay to shoot handheld?)

2) Which lens would you suggest for a beginner to start with?

3) How long is the video recorded?

4) How would you suggest to record sound when shooting?

Boom mic (I believe there is no headphone plug in this camera, then how will I be able to check the sound while shooting?)

External device? Please kindly do suggest any brands/models for both.

5) My final question, What computer system, specifications and software is advisable for editing the HD videos?

Thank you and warmest regards. :)
1. It's a great choice for indie filmaking, yes. Even the 7D and T2i would work.

* You don't ever want to auto focus...learn to use manual 95% of the time. Pull focus is a bitch, but a necessity when shooting with lenses and utilizing the depth of field that mimics the cinema we strive to match.

2. A nice wide angle, and one zoom. I don't know specifics...but basically two that cover as much ground as possible.

3. This depends on the chip you're using I think. It's something around 12 minutes of continuous footage...or is that 20...shoot I don't know.

4. Externally. You'll want to get a little digital recorder and a decent boom.

5. There are several options...Final Cut, Avid, Premiere...I'm sure there are others.

HOpe I helped...I didn't give any real specifics, sorry.

Good luck.
1. If you're broke, hell yeah! Excellent bang for your buck. I haven't done significant research, but I've been catching a lot of wind about the Panasonic GH2. I'm quite happy with my T2i (550D), but I think the GH2 is at least worth looking into.

2. How much money you got? I only have the kit lens. Standard recommendation, either before or after the kit lens, is a 50mm prime. Less than $100. Me? I can't do without wide. A wide prime is quite expensive, so the kit lens fills that need for me.

3. 12 minutes on full HD.

4. Besides the fact that you can't monitor it (as you pointed out), the recording quality is crap for audio. An external recorder, plus a shotgun mic on a boom will do you much better.

5. Mmm, actually, that's the one thing that M1cheal might have over-simplified. You need a robust computer. Lots of RAM, a decent video card, and TONS of storage. Most software won't edit this footage in it's native state. Most people recommend getting a wrap-around, like Neoscene Cineform. Makes it easier to edit, but actually requires a great deal more storage.
Plenty of threads on IT which will tell you the pros and cons of different cameras. Use the search function.

As far as the 550D is concerned, you can achieve amazing results. And as CF has shown, the person behind the camera always matters more than the camera itself.

I call em as i see em!

Remember the "appreciation" thread a long time ago ;)

No, but it's true, we haven't seen the whole thing yet but from the few clips you have shown us, i can tell it's going to be great!
Thank you so much M1cheal, CF and Ernest for your kind suggestions and help!

Im planning to start with the basic 18-55mm kit n if my pockets allow il get a prime wide lens as well or jus simply save money for laters... :p

For the sound im gona use a boom mic plugged into my old mini dv which records the sound quite decently... although it doesn hav any manual audio control but has a headphone jack. Il later sync the sound offcourse :)

Btw Cracker Funk wats a wrap-around, like Neoscene Cineform?

Iv got a 4gb ram, 500gb hardisk + an external 500gb n a normal vdo card... plan to use adobe premiere which im quite familiar with! Lets see how things work... any suggestions for importing the footage? codecs?
You can get a Phoenix Contax 24mm 2.8 lens new for $75US and an adapter for mebbe $15 - $20. I got some good deals on Contax lenses used and new.

I have the T2i and Im editing fine on an i5 4 core computer w/ 4gb of ram running Ubuntu Linux and I edit w/ Cinelerra. Yaaay free open source software !:clap:

Btw Cracker Funk wats a wrap-around, like Neoscene Cineform?

Not all software can currently handle DSLR footage. These guys -- http://www.cineform.com/neoscene/ -- offer software that converts it into a format that your software can process.

Iv got a 4gb ram, 500gb hardisk + an external 500gb n a normal vdo card... plan to use adobe premiere which im quite familiar with! Lets see how things work... any suggestions for importing the footage? codecs?

Which version of Premiere? I use CS5. I've got 4GB RAM, dual-core 3Gig processor, and a modest video card. My setup seems to be the bare-minimum; it barely handles it. I'm editing in native format, however. Before my next big project, if I'm still using the same system, I'm gonna try neoscene to see if it speeds things up.

If memory serves me correctly, CS5 is the only version that edits DSLR footage, in it's native state. I dunno, I might be remembering wrong; maybe CS4 does as well. Anything older, and I believe you'll need neoscene.

A friend told me 550D has only auto ISO in vdo mode? TRUE??

That's only true of the T1i (I guess you guys call that the 500D?). You'll have full control with the 550D.

Remember the "appreciation" thread a long time ago ;)

God, that was hilarious. I'm glad it happened; I was a loose cannon! Cheers.