3D - Help or Hindrance?

I'm quite put off by 3D. Some people are saying it's going to save the cinema and revive and interest in film. But I think it turns movies into gimmicks and removes integrity. Then again I think those who refuse to embrace it will quickly be left behind.

It still makes me sad when I see things like this though. Can't we leave things like that as they were? 3D removes their charm.

What do you think?
I pretty much disagree with you straight across the board.

I do not think 3D turns movies into gimmicks - though there are
(and have been) several gimmick movies. I don’t think 3D removes
any moral principle of the movie, the story or the filmmakers. Nor
do I think that those who do not embrace 3D filmmaking will be
left behind.

3D was a fad in the 1950’s when TV was threatening the theaters,
then again in the 1980’s when home video was threatening the
theaters, and once again in the 2010’s when the internet is
threatening the theaters. I believe the fad will last longer than
it did in the past because of the better technology, but it’s
still just a fad.
I think no matter what people will still want to go see movies in a theater there is something special about seeing films on the big screen. 3d is just getting started. If they develope it more it may become great. But right now I think it is more of a gimic. I am one of the people that gets motion sicknes from watching 3d movies so I guess for me it is not good. But I can see the potential. I prefer 2d.
I thought you meant 3D as in CGI...I removed my previous post...

On topic: 3D is not a gimmick. Not if you build the vision from the ground up and work it from the start. Avatar is a perfect example of this...it's not a gimmick at all...it's just part of the vision.

UP was a great movie, with high quality 3D...not at all a gimmick.

The rest were pretty messy, and border on gimmick. We've only just begun implementing *quality* 3D technology into our movies...let's give them a chance.
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