
Let the errors of my ways be to your benefit; please learn.

I thought that festival submissions deadlines were all the same. Your submission must be postmarked by the submission deadline, no?

Wrong. Some festivals (like Seattle International) require that your submission arrive by the deadline. Next time, I shall read the fine print.


Ah, well. I got it into SXSW on time. And Tribeca is next week. And then I start looking into medium and small festivals.
Thanks, guys. Obviously, I'm mad at myself for screwing the pooch, but I'm not gonna let it ruin my day.

Silver lining: Maybe it's not such a good idea to be sitting next to my family members (most of whom are in Seattle) when they watch this for the first time. Some of the humor is very low-brow (and perhaps offensive).
You can save a tonne of money by submitting to far-off fests first. You can get a free account on WithoutABox and sift through the fests by various deadlines.

Good luck!

Withoutabox is a Godsend and might also shorten the years of your useful eyesight if you really read all the fine print in the rules/submission guidelines-- seems to me a mistake is inevitable sooner or later.

FWIW, I've been only submitting to fests on the "earlybird" deadlines on the gamble that the selection folks will be fresh, and if I miss that deadline the "regular" deadline is still okay. Why not submit to the missed ones next year?

Keep sluggin' away, man!
Thanks, guys. I'm doing the late-registration cuz the movie isn't done, yet. Currently submitting rough cuts, and of course I want it to be as least rough as possible. Will be submitting early when the darn thing is finally finished. Cheers.