2021 Demo Reel

I can see you've filmed a lot of cool stuff!

I've stalked you a bit on Vimeo, and I actually think I saw your "Kushtaka" short film like a year ago! It's a small world, right?

Keep all that work up!
I can see you've filmed a lot of cool stuff!

I've stalked you a bit on Vimeo, and I actually think I saw your "Kushtaka" short film like a year ago! It's a small world, right?

Keep all that work up!
Some really cool shots in here. The Hazmat suit scenes came across really well on camera, and some of the colorist work was very well done. look forward to seeing more!
Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment you all! I'm thinking about being a little more clear with what roles I had in the films, and also shortening this by a minute based on feedback from other peeps.

Hoping this will be a good, quick calling card for future projects.
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Great reel man!

"Filmmaker Demo Reel"
The word demo is more negative than positive here (I think of music demos, which are not polished products). Either use Reel or Showreel. "Filmmaker's Reel" "Filmmaker Showreel"

Since you are shortening it a bit I will mention a few cuts. Personally I thought the music matched the more galactic stuff than the black and white (with the male actor). Plus the shot where he ran into the tent was dark. And the c/u of the locket shot it looks like the focal plane is on the left side of the locket until it moves. The b&w stuff with the woman is great. The beach, the pointing; cinematic and matches your score. So imo if I were to make this shorter I'd just leave out the b&w stuff with the male actor. If I were to cut one color shot it would be :58, it looks like it has horizonal banding of some sort from the lighting. Great reel!

Just my 2ยข!
I'm thinking about being a little more clear with what roles I had in the films
You should do a reel for a role,. not mixed roles. When I watch a reel it is to hire someone for a specific position. Editor, DP, etc. Unless you plan to offer all these services as a production company? Then it works, under the umbrella of the prod. co. if they are part of it.
That was fantastic. Truly amazing imagery. While shorter might be more effective, I think people checking you for potential projects want to see enough for a flow. Two minutes is very decent.

Ha ha! I just watched ALIEN TUCKED IN. Nice job. I have that Jonesy book and that stuffed chestburster.
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Thanks for the feedback! appreciate the details too!
I agree the length was not an issue for me. I nit picked since you said you were cutting it down. I do however wonder what your objective is? Answering this can help us help you better. Are you trying to get hired and as what? Are you just showing people your abbreviated work? Showreel, showcase? :)
well its my first showreel, so its a calling card or abbreviated work reel to show if people wanna see what I've made quickly.

I want to focus myself more skill wise before making anything to hire me with... If that makes sense?
That was fantastic. Truly amazing imagery. While shorter might be more effective, I think people checking you for potential projects want to see enough for a flow. Two minutes is very decent.

Ha ha! I just watched ALIEN TUCKED IN. Nice job. I have that Jonesy book and that stuffed chestburster.
Thank you! Made that for the Alien anniversary challenge... But they never accepted it for some reason.
That answers it for me. So the confusing part is you are using your name for the reel. People who use their name have a one-skill reel. "Filmmaker" is ambiguous. These are all productions of yours, so I would give the reel the production company name. I don't know your production company name but let's say it is CamBlamo Productions. If I had seen CamBlamo Productions Showreel, I would have gotten it immediately. This is all your stuff. But because you use your name it makes me wonder, were you the DP? Editor? Director? But with the production company name, I understand it is all under the umbrella of the company and not necessarily you alone, even if it was you alone. Get it?
That answers it for me. So the confusing part is you are using your name for the reel. People who use their name have a one-skill reel. "Filmmaker" is ambiguous. These are all productions of yours, so I would give the reel the production company name. I don't know your production company name but let's say it is CamBlamo Productions. If I had seen CamBlamo Productions Showreel, I would have gotten it immediately. This is all your stuff. But because you use your name it makes me wonder, were you the DP? Editor? Director? But with the production company name, I understand it is all under the umbrella of the company and not necessarily you alone, even if it was you alone. Get it?

Sure that makes sense! In the future I will definitely do that once I have an actual production studio set up. For the moment I am seeing what advice and tips I can get, and when I'm ready to really do this for potential studio work, I'll actually have somewhat a clue from all the practice.

In a couple of days, I'll be attending a wedding shoot with another studio, and once I'm more comfortable with my skills and style, I'd like to open a production name and site with demo reels and all that included.