If Wheat fails to chime in rayw should make the Secrete Santa Video all about the obsticals that wheat is clearly battling in order to make it back to IT for Christmas :P

I can't remove myself from the Secret Santa members list:


  1. Simplest thing to do is tell Wheatgrinder "Too bad, so sad, bye", kick him off the sleigh, and go!
  2. Next simplest thing to do is to kick him off the sleigh but have everyone somehow incorporate something to Wheatgrinder in each of our own videos.
  3. Third, we each make an additional gift for Wheatgrinder as atonement for kicking him off the sleigh.
  4. And fourth, someone else can take this list of emails, start a new Secret Santa group, everyone will register again - and I'll still make a video for Wheat. :D:lol:


In the meanwhile...


Wheeeat?! Wheeeeeat?! Wheeeeeeat?!
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2 sounds like the best, 3 is also possible.

As long as 4 is off the table we can start now and decide what we will do for wheat in the next few days.
Loaded into NLE
Rough cut edited

Need to:
Record dialog V.O.
Source a sound or two and some images
Clean them up
Edit final
Prolly hafta fix something & repeat two previous steps.
I'll be filming my primary actor tomorrow, getting schedules in-sync was a bit tricky this short notice, but I will get it done and it will be epic :)
Footage shot, now to effects and editing!

where do we share it? Here in this tread or a new one?
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Sadly, mine's going to be coming after Christmas but before New Year. It's all shot (for what little it is) but I'm going to be AFK for a few days and things have conspired against me editing it in the last couple of days. But it'll be there, don't worry...