2010 Movies

I'm witchoo, Clapper. I've seen most of 'em. Only a small handfull that I didn't recognize.

My most pleasant surprises of the year, so far: "Defendor" and "Scott Pilgrim".

My best movies of the year, so far (but we got some big one's I'm yet to see): "Toy Story 3" and "The Town".

In the near-future, I'm really looking forward to "The Fighter" and "True Grit".

I haven't seen any documentaries that have knocked me out my socks. My intuition tells me that they're out there, and I just haven't seen them; probably won't see them until awards nominations are announced.

Zensteve, "Kick Ass" is a fun movie, definitely worth watching, but it does lag every now and then. You should definitely check out my two aforementioned "pleasant surprises". And if you like Nic Cage, "Bad Lieutenant: New Orleans" is a wild ride.
I wasn't particularly impressed with Scott Pilgrim to be honest. I liked Kick-Ass though, but I agree it does lag at times.

The Town was definitely one of my highest rated this year.
Really liked Scott Pilgrim and Kick Ass...

Wasn't such a big fan of The Town, I liked it and all, I just don't think it was half the film that Gone Baby Gone was... so I erred on the side of dissapointment slightly.

I keep forgetting that Bad Lieutenant was this year *amends top 10 list*