archived-videos "1958" - (temporary forum location)

"1958" - A Commentary

"1958" - A man receives some unsettling news, and responds in his own deliberate fashion.


A social commentary, and a prime example of why I should continue to refrain from posting video on the web.


"1958" - QT 25mb

"1958" - RealPlayer 10mb


Because the Internet is smarter than me, this 25mb file doesn't stream.... but it will download completely and then start... or you may "right-click, save Target as..." the link above.


Things of note:

1) Does the "ominous" soundtrack come through well, without a subwoofer?

2) Notice the difference in colour saturation, from the two angles. One camera is 1/3" CCD, the second 1/6"


Oh, and my pack of gum is the blue Orbitz by the wineglass.


Cheers & jeers; yays & nays... all welcome. 8)
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Upvote 0
Yes, the original story of "Captain Calliope, M.D." is with marionettes.

Unfortunately, it had a cast of 8 with voices supplied by people across the United States... and by the time the vocal tracks had been assembled and sets built, well it was last Sunday.

No way was I going to get it finished in time. So...

Monday - Brainstorm
Tuesday - Writing
Wednesday - Shooting
Thursday - Editing
Friday - Wince as I upload new story.

Going to be a while before Calliope is finished.
Haha, nice one Zen. I thought for sure i had the end figured out, but It ended up being different than what i predicted. Pretty good for such a short time.
I can't view either entry, just get a white non-resolving page. :(
Making some alternate versions, in Real & DivX.

You sure you're having the entire clip download? You get to stare at a white page 'til the QT springs up.
Pretty sure. The window is still open and nothing.
Steve.. Im guessing this is you as the Piano Player? not that I know you, but I didnt know you were (Gasp) British?

or umm.. Australian.

anyways, I thought it was funny. I wanted to apply for the voice over. I think I would have made a great Wimpy guy. or suave character.

anyways, let me know of any future project. I just am not good at Improvising.

if you had a script I would have been able to throw a voice at you.

My Bad!
Good stuff Zen! :pop:

Great story for such a short time! :)
Hahah! Nice job Steve. It's funny and has a cool ending. Nice job on the acting too! You were very believable.

My favorite lines:
"Go ahead, do it!...Shoot her...Now! (Pause) You can't..
Stop it.
You're a coward.
(almost with Arnold Schwarzenegger accent) Stop it now. [HAHAHAHAHHAHA]
You've got no balls!
HAHAHA. I'm still laughing!
Good morning, Mr Fish!

Actually, I am originally from New Zealand... which explains why I enjoy needling Aussies so much. :haha:

Pretty sure I had a thread earlier to recruit voices for "Captain Calliope, M.D.". Don't be shy, next time! (Actually, have an OTR-style thing in the works, based on a classic Brit tv-show from the 60's... need to finish up Calliope first). I'll be sure to keep you in mind, when/if we start it. Rar!


I'm glad the ending of this is catching people.


Thanks for the kind words on the acting, DirectorX.

I'm actually very much a ham, when I have to do it. Being a ham is not so bad when doing comedy... unfortunately, this is the best I'll ever be at "serious" acting. Rar! :p


I'm not going to elaborate on any of the points of the flick 'til voting is over; I'll have a few explanations about some of the things, then, including why I call this a social commentary. (Though rampant speculation is welcome)


Meanwhile, votes are still open... be sure to check out the Poke & GoatCommander entry before casting, mind you. They came up with a top-notch submission here.

Great little short. Love the title. Strong writing. I didn't see the end coming. The two different cameras/color match thing was the tiniest bit distracting, but the story easily got me past that. I will be awaiting the director's commentary on the "making of" once the voting is over.