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$1000 Spielberg

Come to think of it, I remember reading website like this many years ago (referring to a next-to-zero budget) but they kept referring to getting a 'five finger discount' on much of their equipment and media. That turned me off and made me embarrassed to consider myself an 'independent filmmaker.'

I'm confident that we won't see any type of creative accounting like that on Clive's website. :)
My personal opinion (and I do mean personal cause me and Stevie are like this [crossing my fingers and looking pretty sexy doing it]) -- he if ever it is brought to his attention, he will see the value of it. This is the man who made "Duel" with the exact same philosophy -- small budget, extremely HIGH CONCEPT, superbly told story, and Denis Weaver.

You do plan to have Dennis Weaver in your movie...right?


PS Death can't stop Dennis Weaver!
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Come to think of it, I remember reading website like this many years ago (referring to a next-to-zero budget) but they kept referring to getting a 'five finger discount' on much of their equipment and media. That turned me off and made me embarrassed to consider myself an 'independent filmmaker.'

There won't be any stealing of anything or anything illegal.

You do plan to have Dennis Weaver in your movie...right?

Damn it Poke! That was supposed to be a secret.
Hi Guys

Just a quick update on the $1000 Spielberg site -- I've just set up a free download page, so people can get our "Character Development Spreadsheet" and the ebook (epamphlet more like) which explains how to use it.

It's a tool I developed for screenwriting and we're finding it incredibly useful -- it runs on Microsoft Excel, so of you don't have Excel, I suggest you just download the ebook and create your own spreadsheet in whatever software suits your needs.

By the way, a lot of the stuff in there I learned from Filmy and some other screenwriters' postings about character development! Just so you don't get the idea that I'm smart enough to figure this stuff out for myself. All I've done is put it in a format that works for me.
Got 'em. I kept getting a 403 last night, but it's running smoothly now.

LOL -- Sorry about that one, I'm getting a super fast education in ftp and sometimes my ignorance gets the better of me! (Todays lesson appears to be CHMOD's and how to have fun with them!)

I'm hosting the files off site for the moment -- mainly because I'm still too dumb to figure out why I can't get my onsite downloads to work (the 403 error being a classic example of tinkering with things you don't understand just before going to bed for the night! LOL)

We're going to pull together more resources as we go on and I'd very interested in how people get on with the spreadsheet -- I'm now working with two other screenwriters in the UK and we all love the damn thing.

It's an idea I'd been kicking around for about two years now, but when I first looked at it I didn't have a great enough depth of knowledge to do it justice. I'm not a genius now, I've just found better people to steal from LOL!)
Wow Clive, best of luck on this. My last short (7:05 mins.) cost about $820.00. :) I think it can be done, and if there's someone who will give his all, it is you. :)
Thanks :blush:

The funny thing is, I think it's easier to find free resources for a feature and I personally think they're easier to write.

But I've always been pretty bad at writing shorts -- not my strength, that's for sure.
If you hit up Cinema Naive people for whom the fascination with the process hasn't worn off yet, you can get almost anything for them being able to say they took part in making a feature film.