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watch 1 MILLION Views!!!

Hey guys, a lot of you may already know this but I make short films with airsoft guns and I add in muzzle flashes and stuff in post production. Well, I started making films a few years ago, and at that time I used Nerf guns instead.

I have two youtube accounts, PDKFilms and USNFilms, PDKFilms is my old account with nerf while I use USNFilms for airsoft.

Anyway, I just got 1 million views on one of my Nerf videos for PDKFilms so I thought I'd share it here to see what you guys thought. Link is below

What's awesome is that the other 5 videos before this one have over 600K each, lol.

I'm curious, how did you get so many? Was it merely word of mouth?
That's fantastic!

So, would you say you guys pick up MOST of the Nerf bullets or does the next lawn mowing show that a few always get away?
That's unbelievable. I second CF's :bow:

To my tastes that's one extremely stupid video :P That said you've clearly tapped into an amazing viral market and obviously people want to see kids shooting foam darts at one another so congratulations Don Draper!
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Glad to see that you all are as astonished as I was.

Well, When I made the first nerf video, nerf squad 1: operation torch, it was a few years ago before YouTube really grew and Nerf for that matter. All I can say really is that when I uploaded it, it was the first of its kind. After that, tons of people started uploading similar content and since I uploaded first, I was listed number 1 for Nerf and I was in a way, the "founder" of Nerf action movies
Well, my CPM (cost per thousand impressions) is just over $1.30 and with over 6 million total upload views...

So, if I have this right - a million is 1000 thousands, so 1000 X 1.3 = $1,300 X 6 = $7,800. That's a nice sideline. Congrats!

I need to make a Lady Gaga video! :D "Bad Romance" has 376 million views.
Congrats! Even the awesomeness of payments aside, it's cool to know that something you have done has been watched that many times, and by that many people!
I find it charming, and I have never seen this exact genre. I also know every nephew I have would watch this vid 20 times each day until they made their own ...now I'm gonna go cry in my beer cus my record is 11k, so much still to do!