$0 Monopod

A few days ago I put together a DIY $0 monopod. Well, $0 for me at least, because I had all this stuff lying around. But it could be made for ~$20.

I've attached a picture plus a test video. WARNING: Audio is NSFW


I basically disassembled my old super-cheap tripod. Unscrewed the bottom cap, slid on a pvc T-joint and a 5lb weight (I needed to pad the column with layers of duct tape to make them fit securely.) Then I screwed the cap back on and attached a short pvc pipe to the t joint. The column has a circular level, which is awesome.

After testing it I think I'm gonna need some more weight (and a lot more practice walking with it). Luckily I've got another 5lb-er. I just can't decide if it would be better on the horizontal arm or on the vertical column. Any thoughts?


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I only ask because the weights would only serve as a counterbalance. If you're 5 pounder plus a second weight = significantly more than your camera then your balance is all thrown off. I have a link favorited on my home pc about a similar device. If I think about it I'll shoot it to ya.
Looks like it's becoming more of a steadicam than a monopod. I'ts pretty good compared to just going handheld and hopefully with advice from other ppl here you can make it even smoother.

I only ask because the weights would only serve as a counterbalance. If you're 5 pounder plus a second weight = significantly more than your camera then your balance is all thrown off. I have a link favorited on my home pc about a similar device. If I think about it I'll shoot it to ya.

Interesting. I hadn't thought about counterbalance. So perhaps if I could get the second weight higher up/more near the camera, then it would be more effective?

What an odd choice of music! :hmm:
I prefer Dready's choice of music, though! :lol:

:lol: Fun stuff, no?

Looks like it's becoming more of a steadicam than a monopod. I'ts pretty good compared to just going handheld and hopefully with advice from other ppl here you can make it even smoother.


Thanks. I usually associate steadycams with shoulder mounts, but you're right, it's technically a steadycam, not a monopod. :)
Interesting. I hadn't thought about counterbalance. So perhaps if I could get the second weight higher up/more near the camera, then it would be more effective?

It'll take some tweaking to find what's right. With the video I posted I had to the twist the PVC to shift the weight so I could balance correctly. Just to test it out, add that second weight, hold it by the handle, and adjust (the length of PVC or angle) until the camera points where you want it to without you applying pressure.