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  1. donniker137

    Brain Storm

    I'd like to start a thread. I believe I'm a producer trapped in a director's body! I'm totally serious here. I always do much better working on someone else's project. I fall in love with other people's work. I don't have any problem coming up with original material. Finishing has been my...
  2. donniker137

    Autism Doc

    I am still in preproduction. I have been doing a lot of research the last few months. I am still lining up interveiws. For those who don't know about the Doc I am doing it's about Autism, the subject of the thread might have given that away. I am in search for an answer: Why has the number...
  3. donniker137

    Autism Documentary looking for help

    My wife and I have decided to do a doc on Autism. We found out a year ago last april our son has autism. What I am looking for is any kind of help really. I have only one camera, digital of course GL-1. I want to do this movie, but I don't want to cheese it up. It's a very important issue to me...
  4. donniker137

    top-list Top ten Characters of all time

    Top ten Characters of all time Will have to come back to this one
  5. donniker137

    This is called Don't Lose

    another script I am working on INT. DARK ROOM NIGHT MANY YEARS AGO A small television is seen in the off position. An old shaky hand reaches over and turns the knob. The television comes on, the color is bad and the reception not much better. What we see is the BVC, Best Value Channel...
  6. donniker137

    Part of Clown car let me know what you think

    EXT. ROAD -- NIGHT The clown car is seen driving away, the circus can be seen in the distance. RUNT I have three hundred dollars and I am going to change my life. EXT. GAS STATION -- LATER RUNT is seen filling up the clown car. RUNT I didn't make it very far due to the fact that this custom...
  7. donniker137

    Join the revolution

    A few good filmmakers wanted
  8. donniker137

    Production Work Book?

    I was wondering if anyone knew about a production work book, if there is such a thing, let me know thanks
  9. donniker137

    Here is a scene from Donniker Productions, "DONT LOSE&q

    INT. CAB EARLY MORNING Phil is sitting in the back seat of a taxi cab. An inspirational tape can be heard in the BG. Phil seems to be happy and unsure how to handle it. The cab driver turns his tape down to talk to Phil. Cabbie is from another country. CABBIE Hey Phil, what's new my man...
  10. donniker137

    Don't Lose

    My name is Chris LaFountain, I am the founder of Donniker Productions. Don't Lose is currently in the script writing/preproduction stage. This will be the second film by Donniker Productions. If anyone is interested in working on this film please email me. Don't Lose is a feature about a...