Search results

  1. Beatlesfan1225

    actors Who're the next generation actors?

    Jonathan Majors comes to mind as THE powerhouse actor of his generation right now. From The Last Black Man in San Francisco to Da 5 Bloods, that man can act. He's just incredible, and he balances dramatic roles against massive, blockbuster roles perfectly.
  2. Beatlesfan1225

    Been forever!

    Good to see you, too! In the time since I last showed up here, I got a degree that's heavily associated with audio production - so hopefully I can lend two cents here to anyone dealing with audio issues in their films :)
  3. Beatlesfan1225

    Been forever!

    Hey, everyone! Beatlesfan1225 here - used to be a very active Premium member, but fell out of the forum about two years ago. I'm back! Truthfully, I returned because I got an email that my account would be deleted if I didn't log in. So, here I am! This has always been an awesome community...
  4. Beatlesfan1225

    'I Don't Go To Church' - A New Song For Your Use!

    Hello all! I've been scarce here on the forums as of late due to all of the projects I've been working on. The latest of which, 'New England Elizabeth,' is a new album dropping next Tuesday. I wanted to share the single for the album, 'I Don't Go To Church,' which was released today. As...
  5. Beatlesfan1225

    editing Question about making DVD disc labels.

    I'd reiterate Light Scribe in that case. You can get a drive for under $20 and then buy some discs and a USB connector for the drive. As mentioned, it's not full color, but it's damn nice looking. Plus you're not paying for ink, either.
  6. Beatlesfan1225

    editing Question about making DVD disc labels.

    What you're looking for is Lightscribe. It's not popular anymore, but it's a darn good way to do exactly what you want. Over the years, I've utilized it for hundreds of CD's and DVD's with excellent results. Nowadays, I have an old Lightscribe drive hooked up to a USB - I pull that out whenever...
  7. Beatlesfan1225

    I'm Still Around! (What I've Been Up To)

    Thank you! Always great to hear. It's been a labor of love getting it off of the ground the past two months. We've had some wonderful opportunities to feature some great music and will continue to do so every month. Thanks for tuning in!
  8. Beatlesfan1225

    I'm Still Around! (What I've Been Up To)

    Thanks, man! I've been subscribed to your YouTube channel, though, and I've been loving your videos. The April episode of the podcast just debuted as well; you all can check it out here:
  9. Beatlesfan1225

    I'm Still Around! (What I've Been Up To)

    Hey Everyone! I've been absent on IndieTalk for the better part of the past year, which was somewhat abrupt after being one of the more active members here for over four years. So, I wanted to throw up a post in the lounge to let you all know what I've been up to! The reason I've distanced...
  10. Beatlesfan1225

    My New Album - Yours To Use!

    Hey Everyone, It's been quite awhile since I last posted in the forum, but I've been incredibly busy. Today, I released my tenth studio album, titled 'The Dorm Room Tapes.' The record is much softer than 'Rivers Rubin,' the last record I shared with you all. It's meant to be a very soft...
  11. Beatlesfan1225

    Guerilla Filming --- Consequences??

    Be careful - legal fees are more expensive than insurance. I have a lot of experience shooting guerilla - something I've done way too often and many users here have advised against. They're right, it's not the best idea sometimes - But, you do what you have to do... within reason. I've filmed...
  12. Beatlesfan1225

    My name is Damien, indie scifi filmmaker

    Welcome to the community - looking forward to hearing from you. Good luck on your project, but I must say, that seems like an unreasonable fund goal - I think most indie films have difficultly finding a few thousand dollars of funding - Almost half a million dollars is a bit steep of an...
  13. Beatlesfan1225

    My Resignation From Film (Sort Of...)

    Hey Everyone! Thanks for the overwhelming support; I appreciate it! And you are all very right, there are many ways for me to remain involved in filmmaking through music. There have been some new developments in my musical career which have been exciting - A large record label in Nashville...
  14. Beatlesfan1225

    My Resignation From Film (Sort Of...)

    I'd still be much more interested in it, actually. I have a passion for audio and music creation - I don't have as much of a passion for the creation of film, despite an effort to build one over the past few years. It wasn't really being overwhelmed by boring technical film talk, it was more...
  15. Beatlesfan1225

    My Resignation From Film (Sort Of...)

    Hey Everyone! So I like to believe I've been a fairly active and beneficial part of the community the past four years - I've certainly learned an incredible amount from you all, been involved in some superb discussions, and been involved in five or six excellent collaborations. So, firstly - I...
  16. Beatlesfan1225

    bad acting habits

    Stumbling through lines (Everyone does it sometimes, but it's a problem if they're constantly glancing at a script...) Glancing in the camera... not having proper pronunciation/projection, etc. Everyone has to start somewhere, though, and certain acting techniques vary. I've directed a few...
  17. Beatlesfan1225

    My favourite gear

    Interesting post, thanks for sharing. Not sure how I feel about that bag. Don't get me wrong, it looks like a very nice filming bag, but $199 for a bag?! You could get a perfectly nice Case Logic bag on Amazon for a tenth of the price...
  18. Beatlesfan1225

    Looking for a writer to collaborate with

    I too am a student who loves writing collabs - Just shoot me a message if you'd ever like to talk about doing something!
  19. Beatlesfan1225

    archived-videos The Flight of the Flamingo (2013)

    Congratulations on the release of this project! I remember years ago when you first brought it to the table - I've bookmarked it and very much look forward to watching it this week.
  20. Beatlesfan1225

    Different Producers?

    Sweetie's right - it gets thrown around pretty obliviously. A lot of times indie filmmakers give the title in lieu of a 'Special Thanks' or something if someone did a lot for the film. Some Kickstarters even offer the title if you donate enough.