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  1. Tara Tusher

    watch Oscar Bones: A new fairytale

    If you have a chance watch my short film Oscar Bones, now up on youtube. Everyone worked on this film for free and was made for next to nothing, it was a real labor of love. Thanks for watching!! If you like it please help us out by posting the link...
  2. Tara Tusher

    How much could I get for my gear?

    Did you look to see what they are selling for on Ebay? If you click "completed" listings on the left of the screen, it will show you all the previous listings and how much they did or did not sell for. At least you can see what the highest your camera sold for, "used", and then add to your...
  3. Tara Tusher

    watch Fate - short film

    I loved that! I thought it was shot beautifully. I really liked the juxtaposition of the music against your setting. Nice Job on the editing. Great Job, all around. By the way, I have a McDonalds glass like the one in the video except mine is from The Goonies. It's my favorite glass.
  4. Tara Tusher

    Film School Questions.

    If UK schools are much cheaper to the point that they are reasonable, I say go for it. It will most likely make your journey easier with all those resources at your fingertips. But, like with anything in life, you'll only get out of it what you put into it. Good Luck!
  5. Tara Tusher

    Film School Questions.

    In my opinion, film school is all too expensive. The real Pro's of going to film school are access to equipment, being part of a flimmaking community and the hands on experience. With a litlle effort and alot of dedication you can get these things (close to) free without film school. What you...
  6. Tara Tusher

    A table read. Finally.

    Have fun! It's great to hear actors breathe life into the characters you put on paper. Make sure you have a permit for the hose.
  7. Tara Tusher

    Thoughts on my logline

    Wow, that's a really helpful formula. Thanks guys! I was going to say to make sure to include the hero's flaw, the goal and what the stakes are.....but the exercise above is so much better. I'm excited to try this on my scripts.
  8. Tara Tusher

    Greetings from Longmont, Colorado

    Thanks Jeff! It doesn't compare to yours but hey I'm learning :)
  9. Tara Tusher

    Starting to collect equipment.

    Equipment does depreciate as soon as you walk out of the store with it. I'd suggest buying used equipment on Ebay, I've always done this and it works quite well. If you wait for a really good deal you when you are done with the project you can resell it and you've lost nothing. Sometimes I've...
  10. Tara Tusher


    For now, I vote for a hard copy unless you are happy with the quality of your online upload. I've tried uploading an online screener through WAB and the quality was horrible. With that said, I know I'm doing something wrong but unless you can get a decent quality screener up there I wouldn't...
  11. Tara Tusher

    Greetings from Longmont, Colorado

    Hey everyone, This is a really cool board and I'm happy to be a part of it. It's always hard for me to find people with similar interests, so I think this forum will be a huge asset for me. A little about me: I wrote my first feature script 5 years ago and since then I've written many...