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  1. R

    Does VC make any difference for DSLR?

    thanks guys. Cool, cuz my 17-50 VC is coming in tomorrow. I'm using it for mostly handheld.
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    Does VC make any difference for DSLR?

    Hi, Does VC (vibration control) or image stability Lens do anything for videos on a DSLR (CANON)?? :huh:
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    Help me be AWESOME

    Hey BTW thanks for all the TIPS... I'll be messing around with all this this weekend. This whole video thing started off as a hobby but now i'm thinking about it all the time. A lot of times, I'm editing random stuff like home video stuff so thats the cause for concern for stabilization. And...
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    Help me be AWESOME

    Oh. So like I said, i have a 60D with the Tamron 17-50mm lens.. ok so here's the question, i bought the VC version which is stabilization. Now the non VC version is $200 less. Does the VC do anything for video? bc that is all i use it for, videos.
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    Help me be AWESOME

    Thanks yall! @alcove actually i was talking about video noise... I am messing around with the ISO so that it doesn't get so grainy but sometimes wish there was just a little more @wheatgrinder i did feel a little more awesome after lunch but that could the chipotle chicken sandwich haha and...
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    Help me be AWESOME

    Oh, one more thing. What about noise reduction pluggins? Anything that you guys could suggest?
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    Help me be AWESOME

    @goober thanks for link. i've been doing some of those tutorials. I guess i haven't got to that one yet haha. @paulgriffith Thanks for the tips. yeah i'm going to have to invest in some stabilizing equip. The stuff is so expensive tho X_x But then the tracker license is just as bad. @alcove...
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    Help me be AWESOME

    I work in a computer related field so there's an abuntance of computer lying around at work that i can turn into a HackinTOSH. :D You know thought that to. But im finding it hard to stabilize with AE. you have to mount a point and that point has to be in the video the whole time. I saw this...
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    Anamorphic lens for HFS100

    i think your camcorder will just tighten up the apeture and focus everything back into clarity. Or I guess you can go manual focus and set it to Apeture priority. Also, look into blurring out the background with pluggins for CS5. Apparently CS5 makes a lot of stuff pretty easy. You might be...
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    Help me be AWESOME

    Hey All, So I bought a 60D and need some friends to help me make my videos be awesome. I'm overwell with all these lenses and then on the post production side all these plugins for AE. Its nuts. Anyways, if you know of any 60D communities, or would like to drop hints, let me know. I'll send you...
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    canon 60?

    Hi, I have a 60D. It's pretty nice for the stuff I do. I miss my HF-S100 tho. The auto focus was nice for me because I sometime just want to record things as a tourist and not be engulf with the task as a cameraman. Anyways, I like shooting in 60p and DOF is fantastic. Although, with the advance...
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    Need Help Picking Out Cam

    @fightingcrest aye, so what did you end up getting? I just bought a Canon 60D body with a tamron 17-50 VC lens... total cost was like $1600. So far, pretty cool. I need to learn some techniques for cooler vids but I think it was worth it. Also I saw that Canon has an FX100 releasing early next...
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    Which Movie Made You Decide To Become A Filmmaker?

    For me it was this sappy a$$ short by Wong Fu productions. I figure, wow, I don't need big names or fancy CGI for a movie/short. All I need are my friends and a camera... and a script :P