Help me be AWESOME

Hey All,
So I bought a 60D and need some friends to help me make my videos be awesome. I'm overwell with all these lenses and then on the post production side all these plugins for AE. Its nuts. Anyways, if you know of any 60D communities, or would like to drop hints, let me know. I'll send you some links to my work on vimeo. I welcome all feedback.

I guess some of my most pressing request for help on would be video stabilization and noise reduction. Again, I just started and all these tutorials and online videos are leading in circles. haha, so if you want to be my friend holler!

My Gear Consist of: Canon 60D, Tamron 17-50mm VC lens, and Sennheiser Lavier.
Computer: I have a core i7 with adobe CS4 suite. I'm also building HackinTosh for Final Cut, because I saw the demo of their video stabilization, and wow, that would save me a heck of a lot of time!
Hey BTW thanks for all the TIPS... I'll be messing around with all this this weekend.
This whole video thing started off as a hobby but now i'm thinking about it all the time. A lot of times, I'm editing random stuff like home video stuff so thats the cause for concern for stabilization. And, yeah, I will be putting more thought into doing more stabilization during the shot rather than later.

I'm planning to collaborate with some friends in the spring, and do a zombie super-short at a friends farm so i'm doing my homework now.
Hey BTW thanks for all the TIPS... I'll be messing around with all this this weekend.
This whole video thing started off as a hobby but now i'm thinking about it all the time. A lot of times, I'm editing random stuff like home video stuff so thats the cause for concern for stabilization. And, yeah, I will be putting more thought into doing more stabilization during the shot rather than later.

I'm planning to collaborate with some friends in the spring, and do a zombie super-short at a friends farm so i'm doing my homework now.

Your echoing my experience... I got hooked on this dope from a simple random thought to do some fun visual effects for my home vids after I discovered an unused camcorder (hand me down from my brother the year before)

stashed in the closet. .... now, its my ONLY hobby. I don't watch TV, I don't play video games, the only print books Iv bought in the last year are about making movies, NEXT years summer vacation is in the PREPRODUCTION phase...

This was my first video uploaded in NOV 2009.

Here is a more recent completed thing from this summer..

And here is what Im currently working on.. just a preview.. but its actors other than my family etc..