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  1. sonnyboo

    EDIT THIS - Accidental Art, a dark comedy

    I'm back to working on Cinestudy for a bit. Just put out an all new interactive editing project The way this works, I have everybody the screenplay and raw, unedited footage for an entire short film - then people...
  2. sonnyboo

    fighting procrastination as a filmmaker

  3. sonnyboo

    Star Trek II director talks about his favorite shot in Wrath of Khan

    I got to interview Star Trek II's writer/director and we discussed Nicholas Meyer's favorite shot from WRATH OF KHAN
  4. sonnyboo

    event livestreaming my documentary Social Media Monster and extra material tonight

    Tonight at 6:30PM EST/3:30PM PST on YouTube, I'm streaming my documentary and all the mini-documentaries about a cyberstalker who has caused a lot of problems online.
  5. sonnyboo

    call-for-entries Indie Gathering 30th year - submissions now open!

    It's the 30th Indie Gathering in 2025! Submit your films, screenplays, animation, trailers, and music videos! This is the early bird so the cost is so low and this has an additional 10% off with the promocode 10JUSTBECAUSE on Film Freeway
  6. sonnyboo

    link CINESTUDY free editing projects are back

    An all new EDIT THIS free project from Cinestudy! Here's your chance to edit a dramatic short film, all free. Download the script, the raw unedited footage, and have some fun putting together your own version of this...
  7. sonnyboo

    link interview with writer/director of Star Trek 2 the Wrath of Khan

    Finally finished the edit of an interview with the writer and director of Star Trek II the Wrath of Khan, Nicholas Meyer. Definitely got some trivia and creative insights and this was definitely a highlight of my life thus far...
  8. sonnyboo

    Social Media Monster, a documentary (started here on Indietalk 12 years ago)

    Watch Social Media Monster, now streaming on Mosaic TV (app available on Roku and AmazonFire) SOCIAL MEDIA MONSTER, a...
  9. sonnyboo

    call-for-entries seeking music video entries

    Do you have a music video? Submit to the Indie Gathering International Film Festival for the music video competition. For one week only, we're offering a discount code of 20% off all music video entries, enter MUSICVID24 on FilmFreeway when you submit. This is the 29th annual Indie Gathering...
  10. sonnyboo

    event FREE LIVE WEBINAR - The Film Festival Experience

    FREE LIVE WEBINAR - The Film Festival Experience The Indie Film Gathering International Film Festival Date: Thursday, February 15, 2024 Time: 1:00pm EST 10:00am PST (California time) Location: Virtual via Zoom Registration: FREE for Members of
  11. sonnyboo

    directing showing emails on screen

    I'm looking for interesting ways to show emails on screen in a documentary. I can print them out and then do a shallow depth of field thing, focusing on the lines I want to emphasize, or I can shoot a computer screen - also shallow depth of field and maybe show pixels. Or I can animate the...
  12. sonnyboo

    event The 29th Annual Indie Gathering International Film Festival Also, this is a special 25% off for Indie Talk users DISCOUNT CODE on FilmFreeway - INDIETALK25 The Indie Gathering Film Festival is a unique and special experience, just being there and being a part of the fest is different than most.
  13. sonnyboo


    Hey guys, I've been attending the Indie Gathering International Film Festival for several years now. It is the most unique and fun fest experience I have. It's like summer camp for adult filmmakers. There is definitely an emphasis on the networking and social side. The next fest in Cleveland...
  14. sonnyboo

    interview with writer/director Nicholas Meyer

    I was so amazed to have the opportunity to interview Nicholas Meyer
  15. sonnyboo

    Anatomy of a Troll

    I have been working for 3 years now on a feature length documentary about when an internet troll came to St. Joseph Missouri. My own history with this troll began here on The video above is not from the documentary proper but is more of a mini-doc update on some of what has been...
  16. sonnyboo

    event screening my documentary SOCIAL MEDIA MONSTER

    On August 28th, 2022 my documentary Social Media Monster will screen in Columbus, Ohio at 2:00PM Tickets are on sale now
  17. sonnyboo

    call-for-entries EDIT CHALLENGE - edit this 16mm short film with free raw footage

    CINESTUDY presents an Interactive Project and EDIT CHALLENGE, the 16mm short film LICENSE EXAM Download all the film and elements to edit your own version of this short film! As always, TOTALLY FREE! Below you can download the footage, Sound FX and Music, then edit your own version of this...
  18. sonnyboo

    call-for-entries Edit Challenge - Visual FX Short Film, win DaVinci Resolve Studio ($299 version)

    Edit Challenge - edit this visual FX short film and win a copy of DaVinci Resolve Studio (the $299 version) CLICK HERE for Cinestudy Get your edit uploaded by October 9th, 2020
  19. sonnyboo

    archived-videos License Exam (2 min)

    License Exam (2 min) Shot this in 2004 on 16mm film, recently had it re-transferred to 6.5K and then re-edited it, soon to be a Cinestudy project too. starring George Caleodis, Holly Magnani, Harley Kaplan, Jon Osbeck