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  1. DRthunderMD

    watch Twitch Highlight Reel

    Just opened my first Twitch account and I've just edited a highlight reel to give potential subscribers what to expect from my channel. Gamers, enjoy. All others, I welcome criticism on my editing and anything else you feel like discussing. Everyone, your input is important to me...
  2. DRthunderMD


    Just started my new side channel for Twitch. I'll be streaming live Madden for the next hour if anyone is interested. Regardless feel free to check out my channel.
  3. DRthunderMD

    watch First 2 Short Films

    These are my first two short films since high school. Had to knock off the rust somehow. "The Beginning of the End" And the second, which is a prequel to my first. "The Cure" I am currently working on...
  4. DRthunderMD

    How can I make my characters look like they're watching television

    So I have a night scene in a living room where two characters exchange dialogue as they watch television. The tv is never shown but the remote is and the act of what they're doing is implied. I have my characters pretend to watch the tv as they exchange dialogue but I would like to make it...
  5. DRthunderMD


    I hope you all are having a good day. I was watching Rt news today and Syria and what's going on right now is really taking my thoughts away from my filmmaking. It feels like this is the start of something big. Anyway, straight to the point, what is everyone's thoughts on what's going on...
  6. DRthunderMD

    Makeup and Prosthetic Tips Anyone?

    Turns out the makeup artist we listed for our upcoming project needed to back out for personal reasons. Now me and my team of three are left to do our own alien makeups. Any tips people? Perhaps creating a prosthetic and some different colored makeup? I'm not a makeup artist, although me and...
  7. DRthunderMD

    New Logo

    Dimitris Dream new logo! Opinions?
  8. DRthunderMD

    New Dimitri's Dream content @ Boston Comic Con

    Hey everyone! Hope all is well in the community. If anybody lives in the Boson Massachusetts area or plans to attend Comic Con in Boston August 3-4, one of Dimitri's Dream main members will be showcasing his personal artwork. You can check out some of his work at Comic Con or on his website...
  9. DRthunderMD

    watch Prostate Cancer PSA

    Hello everyone! Dimitri's Dream co-founder Henry Carrasco directed this short PSA on prostate cancer. You can check out the PSA here: Also feel free to check out our website here: I should mention, although...
  10. DRthunderMD

    Launch of Dimitri'

    It's been a long time coming. After a few years of saving me and my partner have started our first independent production company. Dimitri's Dream. Our passion lies in the film industry. I invite anyone to check out our new website. Our first short film is currently in production and is...
  11. DRthunderMD

    First Person POV

    I have a character study/thriller short in the works and as director I am trying to figure out exactly how this should look. I am trying to decide whether or not to shoot it 100% first person pov of the main character or just his scenes in first peson pov. I'd like to shoot the entire thing in...
  12. DRthunderMD

    watch Bad Blood Trailer

    First Bad Blood Trailer. Just made this in an hour and a half with imovie to meet a deadline. Before finishing up the entire movie I will be releasing another trailer. I'll be able to invest more time into the next one but I'm happy with how this turned out for the most part. Please let me...
  13. DRthunderMD

    Bad Blood (screenplay)

    Hey ya'll, check out my finished screenplay and let me know what you think. I hope to start shooting in a couple weeks. EDIT: Just finished the revised second draft.
  14. DRthunderMD

    One continuous take

    Anyone see Silent House? I'm sure many of you have heard it was filmed all in one continuous take, blew my mind honestly. I can't imagine how difficult that whole process must have been. I enjoyed it, didn't like the ending but I appreciated the hard work that was put into it. I'd like to...
  15. DRthunderMD


    Just saw Brothers last night and I must say I was impressed. Best movie of the year so far in my opinion. Toby Mcguire absolutely steals the movie. He gave everything he had to the movie and it was better for it. His performance was unsettling and moving. Gyllenhal and Portman also...
  16. DRthunderMD

    Becoming a Camera operator

    Okay. As some of you know I'm 18 as I've said several times before. I've recently realized what I want to do in the film industry, I've always known I wanted to be involved but nothing specific. Now I know. I would like to be a camera operator. I am thinking about taking a class at my local...
  17. DRthunderMD

    Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz on my street?!?!

    I recently found out that Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz will be filming a movie right down the street from me. I was thinking about checking it out when I got out of work on the...
  18. DRthunderMD

    My New Website

    Hey everyone. My new film is coming up and to celebrate I've created my own website. Not top of the class stuff but it works. Membership to the site is free and the first ten people to sign up get access to my new film's teaser and the actual movie up to two days before anyone else. I'm not...
  19. DRthunderMD

    Official Productoin Name

    Okay, another newbie question here. I've noticed a lot of videos on youtube have some sort of production label at the beginning or end. Even videos made by small children, and I know the majority of these must be unofficial. I'm not one hundred percent sure what to call it. Most often it...
  20. DRthunderMD

    District 9

    Just saw District 9 with a few buddies and....WOW. This is how sci-fi is supposed to be. Absolutely incredible. There was no real action until the final half hour of the film. I love movies that do this. It gives them time to build character depth and set up the plot. Then when the action...