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  • Long time no talk. :) I wanted to ask you where the best forum to inquire about a VFX artist for a horror short. I looked at the classifieds, but I don't care where they'd be located and it would cut down on views if I limited it. Peace and hit me up when you get a free moment.
    John Kilderry
    I've recently started a Meetup group for Indie filmmakers near my new home in Indiana. I'd like to share that with members of the Indietalk who might be interested in attending. It's a series of hosted workshops in South Central Indiana. What would be the appropriate forum to announce it in to alert others on this group who may be interested?
    Knightly how do i post an image ? I use to be able to in my thread seishin the story so far, but now all I get is an empty square if I try to add a new pic?

    Thanks for addressing my question about flicker. Cheers :D didn't realize you're a mod :D. i should behave :lol:

    Hello Cole,

    I expect to email you links tonight for the Artemis Arrives scene on Vimeo tonight. The revised version uploaded successfully. I'm at work. So, I will email it tonight.

    You will see how Particle Illusion can be a big help as a visual effects facelift to the production too.

    But based on what happened when I first posted, I would ask to have limited (very limited control) control to the thread. This should never go political, because this is not about politics, 2nd Amendment, or any other hot button issue. This is about elevating indie/student productions involving weapons and keeping everyone safe.

    Yes, I am giving away a lot of my tools of the trade. But if I can assist a project and help them attain a higher level of realism and still maintain safety, I consider my goals achieved.

    I have moderated several other sites in the past, so I do know how to keep my opinions and responses in check when in that position of responsibility.
    hi dis is kavya from india i'm an aspiring director......i've dne a musical video album earlier and planning make a short.....but the thing is i'm not that good at script writing....i'm still a student...can u plz help me with a small and simple script that would take micro budget to finish it.
    i'll be really thankful to you if you help me hope u will.....thanking you in advance awaiting for ur reply at the earliest
    hello i was wondering, if the movies you shoot make any profit and if so how much and what is the normal budget on a film of yours. i was also wondering if you needed a writer to create anything you need. i have shorts and i am working on features,
    get back to me
    Hey, wanted to ask you a question before I posted. I was planning on posting a link to my surf movie on the forums for feedback. Would I get in trouble if it had music on it which wasn't paid for?
    Hi, sorry to bother you. Could you clarify something for me?
    I am a composer, and am unsure of where to post to offer my services. I know 'advertising' is supposed to be only in classifieds, but I look in 'composers corner' and a slew of people are offering their services there. I'd like to follow the rules of the forums but at the same time post in an area where the right people will see the post. thanks. kevin riepl.
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